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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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9KO in at greatskate

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Interesting to see that the Kronik costs more than this. I thought this stick was gonna retail around $250

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I wish i could get one, but I have a bad habit of breaking sticks. It took a lot of convincing to get them to let me buy an XN10, theres no way in hell i'll be able to get a 9kO.

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I saw it one time back in late march at a LHS in Copenhagen. They had one fore show. I was not impressed. I think its to heavy from the holes and down. Didn´t have the right balance.

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I saw it one time back in late march at a LHS in Copenhagen. They had one fore show. I was not impressed. I think its to heavy from the holes and down. Didn´t have the right balance.

Yep, I saw them at my LHS too, same impression, seemed heavy, blades seemed short and paterns where garbage... I'm more impressed with Stealth

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We got ours, so all dealers should have them soon. Reason why they are sold out is that dealers only got a very limited supply. If you want one, get one because there not going to be abundant. If you don't want one, then no big deal.

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at the memorial cup i got to hold the stick and it felt very blade and even heavy.. completely opposite from what i thought it would be

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You guys crack me up when you say that a stick feels heavy. Do you remember what a wooden stick felt like? Get in the gym, start training and stop crying about the weight of a stick. This is not directed at any one person as much as it is all the cry babies on this site that complain about the weight of these composit sticks. If it's to heavy for you then maybe go to an int. stick.

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yeah it is a sick stick

saw it a cpl weeks ago when i confirmed my pattern for my ordered one

it is not heavy enough to worry about thats for sure and on that note would like to say the balance could probably be alot better

but we shall see if it lives up to the hype

if you still are worried about this stick you can at least pray to the hockey gods with the stick since it is a 'holy' stick :P

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I didn´t say the stick is heavy. It just dont have the right balance as its heavy from the holes and down to the blade. The overall weigt is i guess the same as other OPS´s. Its just in the wrong place... ;-)

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These sticks are going to be hard to come by so if you want one you better get it fast. They are only being released to select dealers in limited quantity. we got ours in and my only complaint so far was having to put together that damn display. thing took me about 3 hours to put together and have of it didnt fit right. as far as the stick goes it definitely grabs attention from customers walking through the door. but most people just laugh when they look at the price. Great concept, decent feeling stick, but it should sell as good as the $239 Kronik which is very minimal at best.

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what i meant by heavy is that it was heavier than i expected it to be like i was expecting it to feel as light or lighter than a stealth just because of the holes and that is just what it felt like the one time its not like i used the stick just putting my opinion out there thats all

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It will sell rigt off the bat to the guys who have to have the newest thing, then it will die, IMO, like the MacDaddy did. at least in my area

Except the MacDaddy was actually made 5 years ago or something like that...

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You guys crack me up when you say that a stick feels heavy. Do you remember what a wooden stick felt like? Get in the gym, start training and stop crying about the weight of a stick. This is not directed at any one person as much as it is all the cry babies on this site that complain about the weight of these composit sticks. If it's to heavy for you then maybe go to an int. stick.

ouch... :blink:

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I don't understand why you guys think that the stick wasn't going to be blade heavy. The "holes" are designed in such a way to add strength, the way they designed the "holes" actually takes more material than if it was of a traditional make.

I imagine that the next step for them is using the added strength to be able to lessen the amount of materials(thinner walls). This would sacrifice durability but give the stick better balance.

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I sold (gave) one about a month ago to a guy who had been using sickicks. He tells me the 9 O is head and shoulders a better stick and the power coming off his shots is significantly better. Only a sample size of one and not really indicative of what everyone will experience, but really the ONLY feedback I got so far. We just got the sticks on Friday, so they are just hitting the market. After the frenzy wears off, I envision the sticks costing about the same as other high end sticks, and of course some will like them, some won't. That's pretty much what is said about all sticks, isn't it. ;)

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