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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pure hockey warehouse sale

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Haha I actually just saw one of these signs on someone's office door today at work. I was pretty tempted to try it.

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I'll put up the latest update for the sale. Just in!

If anyone has been to the new location, parking will not be an issue, there will be fields alotted for parking leaving more than enough space for everyone. 1000+ spots available

check the website for updates this week also! Huge surpises.

And that's it for my shameless plugging, haha.

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would it be a bad idea to go thursday morning? are they gonna have better deals as the weekend goes on?

For the best selection, obviously thursday morning would be the best. We have marked some stuff down in the past as the weekend has gone on, but not really anything waiting for, you could say.

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would it be a bad idea to go thursday morning? are they gonna have better deals as the weekend goes on?

I went Thursday morning last year and I was in and out in about an hour an a half. The line wasn't too bad at that point.

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is there a way to order from this site if you dont live in the new england area ?

Call them and they'll be very helpful. I believe Mack has had experience with that, from last years sale.

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Yeah, just call them and they'll take good care of you. Not sure exactly which one I called, but any that I've spoken to will gladly help you get in touch with the store that has what you want.

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Quick question, I was wondering if there are a lot of pro stock XXX lites left for $80 at the sale. I'm looking for XXX lites in a 67-77 flex and a sakic type curve preferably, but at this price I would be interested in pretty much any curve that's open. I think I'm going to call tomorrow and order some if possible but thought I would check here first to see if there was a large stock of the pro stock XXX lites particularily in a whippy flex.


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Bumping this thread because the 08 sale is just a few weeks away. Nothing is mentioned on the site as far as items. I was curious if anyone had any info on what will be available. You can PM me if you'd like.

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Their website says their having a sale this august so I don't think they have gone out of business unless they didn't shutdown their website and those are the sale times from last year. Obviously would not be the first time I was wrong.....

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Bought out by Breakaway/ComLax. Looks like stores will be staying in buisness, they just added a few if I remember correctly.

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Their website says their having a sale this august so I don't think they have gone out of business unless they didn't shutdown their website and those are the sale times from last year. Obviously would not be the first time I was wrong.....

The homepage (with the sale add posted) properties say it was last modified on July 14, 2008 at 9:26 AM. I'm guessing that means that the sale is still on for this year.

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They are now taken over / merged with Breakaway Skate, if you go to Breakaway's homepage it now directs to Pure Hockey's website. They did just add a new store in Kingston that I heard about last week.

I asked the kid ringing me up in the store this week if he knew what kidn of deals they would have for sticks this year and he said he hadn't heard anything yet as far as what products will be offered.

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Its been a tent sale for the last 10 months at all the Pure Hockey locations, no new stock. They are awful. Go to TSR in Salem NH once and you will never go back to a Pure Hockey/Breakaway location again. Customer service is out of this world and you won't find high school kids fitting you for skates and giving you wrong info.

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Its been a tent sale for the last 10 months at all the Pure Hockey locations, no new stock. They are awful. Go to TSR in Salem NH once and you will never go back to a Pure Hockey/Breakaway location again. Customer service is out of this world and you won't find high school kids fitting you for skates and giving you wrong info.

I second TSR in Salem. Great service and I think one of the owners Brendan may fit alot of the D1 college kids in the area. Excellent place!

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Its been a tent sale for the last 10 months at all the Pure Hockey locations, no new stock. They are awful. Go to TSR in Salem NH once and you will never go back to a Pure Hockey/Breakaway location again. Customer service is out of this world and you won't find high school kids fitting you for skates and giving you wrong info.

With the price of gas it doesn't make much sense to drive from central MA to Salem NH. Anything savings would be pissed away in gas, and then some.

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Not really looking for a different place, but thanks. I was curious if anyone had any inside info on items available a this years sale.

On a side note. I've never really had a bad experience at Pure Hockey and I've been going their exclusively since just about day one.

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Yeah, I was hoping to see some prices too. I'll end up going anyway. Hoping the Vapor XXX-lite shafts are on sale again this year.

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