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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm shaking, I got up and screamed like a gitty girl. Mack I hate you, i'm tearing and I wont be able to sleep tonight, I garantee it. It's just like the ghost one....

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Nice, that was good stuff. I didn't listen to the entire thing. Really creepy voice. There isn't something I missed at the end though is there?

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I saw one like that, but it was a "wheres Waldo" picture, but I dont even think Waldo is in it. Anyways, Your lookingfor Waldo then tis pic of a ghost pops up and screams.

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Lol I figured it was something like that. There is another one where it is a car driving through this beautiful country side and it does that.

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My mum freaked when i showed her the first one! :lol:

What is the first one? It looks kind've like a person holding his shirt up because of a bad smell, but I can't make it out after they unveil it.

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I saw one like that, but it was a "wheres Waldo" picture, but I dont even think Waldo is in it. Anyways, Your lookingfor Waldo then tis pic of a ghost pops up and screams.

Ya, lol, some guy wrote hate mail to eBaum because his little kids were trying to find Waldo and the ghost guy popped up, the kids were horrified.

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lol that was great.

I suppose none of you know what goatse.cx is?

tubgirl is the new goatse anyways.

Yeah. one time I came across a site the linked to that 50 times then the very last window on the bottom of them all was a sound file that played "I'm looking at gay porn" over and over again. I sent it to a friend of mine who was unsuspecting. Funniest thing ever.

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