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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tape question

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my friend swears on his life that black tape last twice as long as white tape. im calling total bs and think its hilarious. is it possible though tht its true? maybe cause they bleach white tape or somthing it gets weaker? he also says white tape is better for grip on yur stick casue it doesnt wear out your gloves as quick. lol idk... thoughts?

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Personally I have also found that black tape lasts longer then white. I'm not sure why and would'nt mind an explanation if there is an actual theory behind it. Black tape does actually wear out gloves more than white tape does.

Edit: there has probably been some talk on this before.. Do some searching around if you haven't already.

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I have found that colored tape (yellow, red, etc) tends to wear out / dry out faster, so perhaps it's true. (unless it's friction tape - friction tape never seems to last as long as normal, black tape)

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I'm not sure about the first questions but some people believe that the dye they use to color tape eats the palm of your glove, others say that the dye just discolors your glove. Either way, nothing but white tape for the handle of my stick. I use black tape for the blade so I can see what has or is missing wax better.

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Pantherfan i think you are right aobut the black tape being thicker. The black Renfrew tape i buy always seems way thicker than the white when i put it on my stick. It looks different to, i mean like how far off the blade the tape goes. The black seems to extend out farther than the white. Could jsut be me, but i tend to think not

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