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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2008 NYR Thread

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As a rangers and a stars fan, if it's any consolation the Stars did almost exactly this earlier in the season, gave up 5 goals to lose in OT against LA. That moment was the turning point in there season, a couple of head office changes were made, and now they are coming second in the entire NHL but are arguably the best team in the NHL right now. All i'm saying is hopefully the Rangers can do something similar and treat this as a wake up call and turn things around too.

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Definately not. It seems after his old man had that surgery, he just hasn't fully recovered mentally, not sure if thats the reason behind if or if its coincidental but thats about when this started happening.

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I thought they had it turned around after the two wins last weekend, and then this. They better off rattle off some wins and get this season turned around late. This is a joke, this team was supposed to compete for a Stanley Cup and they would be lucky to make the playoffs.

But hey it's been 14 years since they won a cup. Only 40 more years and we'll be due.

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As a rangers and a stars fan, if it's any consolation the Stars did almost exactly this earlier in the season, gave up 5 goals to lose in OT against LA. That moment was the turning point in there season, a couple of head office changes were made, and now they are coming second in the entire NHL but are arguably the best team in the NHL right now. All i'm saying is hopefully the Rangers can do something similar and treat this as a wake up call and turn things around too.

I think that's what the Rangers should do. I know Slats isn't going anywhere, but I'd have no problem dropping Renney and some of the players. I mean, you lick a man's nut sweat for 3 years (Jagr) you gotta think it might get old sooner or later. See DS, I do have the answer for everything!

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As a great Irish bartender, Tom Falloon, said to me a long, long time ago, "Remember one thing, I have already been your age. You haven't been mine."

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As a great Irish bartender, Tom Falloon, said to me a long, long time ago, "Remember one thing, I have already been your age. You haven't been mine."

Well, who am I to argue with such words of wisdom from the Sage of Suds himself, Mr. Tom Falloon.

DS - your signiture, the quote from Teddy Nolan. How come he left the part out about sleeping with your star goalie's wife? That must be important to getting IN the NHL, or out of in his case.

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As a rangers and a stars fan, if it's any consolation the Stars did almost exactly this earlier in the season, gave up 5 goals to lose in OT against LA. That moment was the turning point in there season, a couple of head office changes were made, and now they are coming second in the entire NHL but are arguably the best team in the NHL right now. All i'm saying is hopefully the Rangers can do something similar and treat this as a wake up call and turn things around too.

I think that's what the Rangers should do. I know Slats isn't going anywhere, but I'd have no problem dropping Renney and some of the players. I mean, you lick a man's nut sweat for 3 years (Jagr) you gotta think it might get old sooner or later. See DS, I do have the answer for everything!

Truth be told, especially during his first two seasons here Jagr deserved every bit of credit he got, which really should have been more but some media types and thick skulled fans still couldn't see how much he was giving out there.

Name me another Ranger who stays at practice 30mins to an hour after everyone gets off and then comes back in the afternoon by himself to practice 2-3 hours more? He does this on most non-game nights. Unfortunately it hasn't shown on the scorecard, but that is an important element of setting an example and leadership that people like you overlook. This was a surprise to the French media as well, so I guess there are a lot of people who don't realize this on Jagr and that is a pity

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Forget about it theo, his tune will never change. For those of us around NYC, I would compare the Jagr-haters to the Eli-haters. I can only hope Jagr brings a Cup to the Rangers because once Eli was the Super Bowl MVP, a lot of know-it-alls in NY had a healthy dose of humble pie on their plate.

When a TEAM is inconsistent, no one player can turn it around. It is the TEAM that has to turn it around.


Ted Nolan knows more about what it takes to be a hockey player in his pinky finger than you do in your entire body. BTW, he could kick your ass with just his pinky finger. Oh, I forgot, you are a roller hockey player. Well, we have the pink hockey balls in stock if you need any.

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Oh, I forgot, you are a roller hockey player. Well, we have the pink hockey balls in stock if you need any.

Will you assholes please stop slamming roller hockey!! I would have thought better from you, Pete, of all people!

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As a rangers and a stars fan, if it's any consolation the Stars did almost exactly this earlier in the season, gave up 5 goals to lose in OT against LA. That moment was the turning point in there season, a couple of head office changes were made, and now they are coming second in the entire NHL but are arguably the best team in the NHL right now. All i'm saying is hopefully the Rangers can do something similar and treat this as a wake up call and turn things around too.

I think that's what the Rangers should do. I know Slats isn't going anywhere, but I'd have no problem dropping Renney and some of the players. I mean, you lick a man's nut sweat for 3 years (Jagr) you gotta think it might get old sooner or later. See DS, I do have the answer for everything!

Truth be told, especially during his first two seasons here Jagr deserved every bit of credit he got, which really should have been more but some media types and thick skulled fans still couldn't see how much he was giving out there.

Name me another Ranger who stays at practice 30mins to an hour after everyone gets off and then comes back in the afternoon by himself to practice 2-3 hours more? He does this on most non-game nights. Unfortunately it hasn't shown on the scorecard, but that is an important element of setting an example and leadership that people like you overlook. This was a surprise to the French media as well, so I guess there are a lot of people who don't realize this on Jagr and that is a pity

I had no problem with Jagr in the first year after the lockout and most of last. He was doing exactly what he had to do, and was doing well at it. The first year, he wasn't the captain and was just going out and scoring goals and making big plays.

My complaints with him started halfway through last season when he was the C and his leadership was in question while he was moping his way through a not so good season. Then this season started, and he picked up right where he left off last season. He hasn't showed me anything, I'm sorry. I'll say it again, like a broken record, I have no problem with Jags as long as he isn't the C and can just do his own thing and score goals. I don't like my leaders moping and complaining and bitchin and not talking to the media because he "doesn't speak the language". What a cop out of an excuse that was. My captain isn't gonna half ass a backcheck and coast into the corners. If that's your thing, more power to you. I expect more.

DS - I don't play hockey anymore, roller or ice. Gave it up. Taking Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Aikido now. So, I'd be happy to tango with Teddy or anyone else that has a problem. Nor do I get your whole "Only a roller hockey player" thing because, to be honest, I don't see a difference between roller hockey or Friday Night Old Man Hockey.

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Oh, I forgot, you are a roller hockey player. Well, we have the pink hockey balls in stock if you need any.

Will you assholes please stop slamming roller hockey!! I would have thought better from you, Pete, of all people!

Hockey is on ice, not wheels.

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As a great Irish bartender, Tom Falloon, said to me a long, long time ago, "Remember one thing, I have already been your age. You haven't been mine."

Well, who am I to argue with such words of wisdom from the Sage of Suds himself, Mr. Tom Falloon.

DS - your signiture, the quote from Teddy Nolan. How come he left the part out about sleeping with your star goalie's wife? That must be important to getting IN the NHL, or out of in his case.

Seems like the people with the problem are Mr. and Mrs. Hasek.

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So do you think the rangers are going to move Prucha? His out put is way down, and if you look at his career prior to the Rangers, he was never a high point out put player.

Who would you like to see the rangers get if they do move prucha or malik etc..


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So do you think the rangers are going to move Prucha? His out put is way down, and if you look at his career prior to the Rangers, he was never a high point out put player.

Who would you like to see the rangers get if they do move prucha or malik etc..


I don't mind moving Pruchs. He's a fan favorite for some reason, but I don't see much. He's a sniper, but that's it. Completely one-dimensional. He's undersized, and can only score goals if you consistently put him out there with top playmakers. He scored 30 goals his first year, but he was playing with Jagr and getting tons of time on the PP.

Malik being moved is a forgone conclusion.

I keep hearing the priority is either a physical or puck-moving Dman. I have been saying they lacked a true quarterback since the first year after the lockout and they have not addressed it. I'd like them to get a guy like that first and foremost. Campbell or Boyle would be a start. I read a possible deal of Marty Rucinsky is in the works. He's definitely on the downside of his career, but if you can rent him and maybe spark Jags by doing so, then I say go for it.

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I think the rangers have a leg up on three possible free agents. Campbell is best friends with Drury, and an endorsment from Drury would sway him to the Rangers. Same with Hossa, as Marcel Hossa is a Ranger and the possibibility to play with his brother might be the thing to sway him to the Rangers.

Also Boyle, who has a no trade clause has said he would love to play for the Rangers. If Boyle says he would only waive his no trade clause for the Rangers, we have a great chance or picking him up.

We also have alot alot of prospects to trade, our A guys won't be traded, but we have a bunch of B guys to trade.

I think Hossa will be moved to San Jose for Marlau. Campbell will stay with Buffalo and the Rangers will pick up Boyle.

In the Summer the Rangers will sign Hossa, to take Jagr's spot, sign Campbell and if Boyle takes less money to be a Ranger might sign Boyle.

I think theres a good chance that happens, that would be the best situation for the Rangers.

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How do you think the Rangers did this deadline? I don't think they did very well. I was hoping for Campbell or Kaberle or a better D-man pickup but Backman is Ok. I was really hoping they could do more to make a real cup run but I think they want to see if Jagr stays for next season, maybe sign Hossa and Campbell during the summer. Maybe they feel Cheraponov would be ready next season. Who knows, It's the Rangers, I just want another Stanley Cup.

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We made trades with Phoenix and St. Louis. Did not address the one area where we needed to (Physical or Puck Moving Dman). Way to go Slats, you made deals with your former Asst. GM and Color Guy. We're F-ing terrible.

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Let's look at the D that moved today.

First, eliminate your puck moving D man Dan Boyle. TB threw the $ at him so he was off the board.

Physical D Brad Stuart for 08 2nd and 09 4th- I'll pass. No short term benefit in that move.

Hal Gill? What kind of D man is he? We have Malik so why double down?

Adam Foote has only so many miles left in those wheels. He is on the other side of his usefulness. Colorado over paid for him that CBJ actually made a good salary dump and got a 1st rounder which is anybody's guess anyway. I have already seen Adam Foote on the Rangers and his name was Kevin Lowe.

That Salei-Skrastins deal was a wash. You take mine and I'll take yours. Salei should be on Sokol Kiev by now anyway.

Puck moving D? M-A Bergeron? Puck turnover D? M-A Bergeron. I love the guy's point shot but Reijo Ruotsalainen still needed Barry Beck to ride shotgun for him. Enjoy the ride out west M-A, that conference is your home.

Finally we come to Brian Campbell. Bernier and the 1st rounder. Maybe could have, should have but Regier pulled a Lamoriello and sent his player as far west as he could. The boys in the East never had a chance to get Campbell.

These are your cards. Pick them up and play them.

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I really thought the Rangers were going to (and should have) made a push at Kubina. Who knows if they did and if he rejected it, but he would have been a solid pick up who I'd imagine wouldn't have been nearly as expensive as Campbell.

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