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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vapor xxxx vs 9k pump

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Pay close attention to your heel and the depth of the boots. Do NOT pump the skate up, the skate should fit you without using the pump.

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Havok - I can't give you a direct comparison, as I've never used the Vapor line of skates. Coming from a Graf 704 (used for 5 years), I wanted to try to move to one of the new generation skates, so I went with the One90. While the One90 is a great fitting, super-light skate, I just haven't been able to get as comfortable with respect to forward lean (even after putting in heel lifts) and overall stability / balance. So I went back to the drawing board and narrowed it down to the Graf Ultra G3 (fit like the 704) and the Rbk 9K pump. In the interests of trying something new (plus not loving the Ultra Ge tounge), I went with the Rbk as they seemed to feel good in the store and I liked the pump feature (plus the store sold me the display pair for C$300 + tax vs. C$750 retail which was an added incentive for sure!). I've only skated on the 9k's twice now, but so far I really like what I see. First, despite the fact that I don't have an especially wide foot, I find the skates fit well, with little-to-no pain from the get-go - the pump does a nice job of keeping the ankles snug. Like on my Grafs and One90s, I am still leaving the top eyelet unlaced to get the lean I like (yes, very forward, and yes I use a short stick). But most importantly for me, I feel more stable / balanced in the 9ks, especially compared to the One90s. I feel this better stability in all respects, including strides, turning, stopping etc. Can't say for sure, but it's likely the wider footbed of the Rbk that gives me that sense of stability. Again, I don't have a lot of milage on these skates, but like what I see so far. Good luck.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but you said you narrowed it down the the G3 Ultra and RBK--those skates don't fit the same at all. G3 is a shallower boot than the RBK and the RBK is wider as well.

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i should pay attention to my heel? (if it lift when it tied?)

and thx TBL

The 9K has a wider heel, make sure it works for you. I just don't want to hear that you bought your 9Ks and now you're getting blisters on your heel. Make sure you buy what works for you so you dont have to worry about new skates for at least a couple years. Good luck, keep us up-to-date.

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Havok - I can't give you a direct comparison, as I've never used the Vapor line of skates. Coming from a Graf 704 (used for 5 years), I wanted to try to move to one of the new generation skates, so I went with the One90. While the One90 is a great fitting, super-light skate, I just haven't been able to get as comfortable with respect to forward lean (even after putting in heel lifts) and overall stability / balance. So I went back to the drawing board and narrowed it down to the Graf Ultra G3 (fit like the 704) and the Rbk 9K pump. In the interests of trying something new (plus not loving the Ultra Ge tounge), I went with the Rbk as they seemed to feel good in the store and I liked the pump feature (plus the store sold me the display pair for C$300 + tax vs. C$750 retail which was an added incentive for sure!). I've only skated on the 9k's twice now, but so far I really like what I see. First, despite the fact that I don't have an especially wide foot, I find the skates fit well, with little-to-no pain from the get-go - the pump does a nice job of keeping the ankles snug. Like on my Grafs and One90s, I am still leaving the top eyelet unlaced to get the lean I like (yes, very forward, and yes I use a short stick). But most importantly for me, I feel more stable / balanced in the 9ks, especially compared to the One90s. I feel this better stability in all respects, including strides, turning, stopping etc. Can't say for sure, but it's likely the wider footbed of the Rbk that gives me that sense of stability. Again, I don't have a lot of milage on these skates, but like what I see so far. Good luck.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but you said you narrowed it down the the G3 Ultra and RBK--those skates don't fit the same at all. G3 is a shallower boot than the RBK and the RBK is wider as well.

Sure, different boots but after trying on virtually every high end skate out there, those two seemed the most comfortable / best fitting for my foot (without the benefit of skating on them). As for the higher cut of the Rbk, I've dealt with that by leaving the top eyelet undone and it seems to do the trick. I think the fact that the RBK seems wider through the skate is actually what I like (ie gives me a sense of stability). That said, they're not so wide that I feel there's too much loose play in the skate. The heel is wider too, but still works for me. Still early days though. For what it's worth, I was considering a 7.5D in the G3 and a 7D in the RBK. Also agree with TBLfan - I found the RBk plenty snug in the heal as is, but the pump seems to add that extra bit of snugness..

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Ok i went with the 9k white (of course i could not get the normal black hehe that is what my wife said).One thing the guy at my LHS said and i am not sure if its true is this.He said dont bake them (the 9k) its not good cause of the glue used in those sakte (and some other he maentioned) I can understand me needing to skate once in them but still.

On a side note i am 5.9 175 and a foward what type of skate profiling should i go with.(the last time i had skate sharpened there was no speciality profiling "like 9 to 10 years ago")


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its all pp, but if you like to skate faster i recommend 11ft rocker, if you like an agrresive lean go with +1 or, if you like to be on your heels -1,or just stay neutral. just shrapen them normally and see how they feel first.

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Ok i went with the 9k white (of course i could not get the normal black hehe that is what my wife said).One thing the guy at my LHS said and i am not sure if its true is this.He said dont bake them (the 9k) its not good cause of the glue used in those sakte (and some other he maentioned) I can understand me needing to skate once in them but still.

On a side note i am 5.9 175 and a foward what type of skate profiling should i go with.(the last time i had skate sharpened there was no speciality profiling "like 9 to 10 years ago")


I just picked up a pair of 7K's at Perani's in Michigan and they had me bake them. Granted the 7K and 9K aren't identical skates.....but I can't honestly see a reason why they wouldn't have you bake them.

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Yea they are very very confy (i have them on right now in my living room) and the need for baking is not really important at the moment.But one thing is for sure the baking was not necessery.

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This really turns out to be a personal preferance issue.Both are excellent top end skates so quality is really not an issue. It just seems to me it's a toss up of what skating posture you like, the Bauer back on your heel or the more neutral RBK stance. Also what skate you prefer for it's looks. You can always get the skate you like for looks and get the profile you prefer or swap holders.

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This really turns out to be a personal preferance issue.Both are excellent top end skates so quality is really not an issue. It just seems to me it's a toss up of what skating posture you like, the Bauer back on your heel or the more neutral RBK stance. Also what skate you prefer for it's looks. You can always get the skate you like for looks and get the profile you prefer or swap holders.


Exactly. This is one of the reasons some people on the site get frustrated with the comparison questions on skates. Most have not had the opportunity to wear multiple skates....especially in this case...where the two skates are TOTALLY different. The XXXX is a reverse triangle foot-shaped boot. It is wide in the toe, neutral in the middle, and narrow at the heel. The 9k is for a fat foot...wide from heel to toe. I have had the opportunity to skate in both, and the XXXX is the perfect skate for my foot, but I can tell you the weight difference meant nothing. In fact I was able to skate very well in the 9K...I just had to pump it about 20x to get my heel to lock in the boot.

Swaping holders is so common...at higher levels I rarely see skates with the holders they came with. I see most 9Ks and Vector 10SEs with LS2 and most One90s switched for LS2 or Custom+. It was funny this summer playing some closed hockey sessions with guys at the D1 college or junior level. Their holders were all LS2s on the RBK and CCM Vectors. Really surprised me.

Anyway...either choice is a good skate...as long as they fit properly. Any improper fit, regardless of quality, will perform terribly.

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Did not want to open a new thread, so here is a quick question.. I(t) wont hijack the thread!

Whats the regular holder size on a 9D and 9E 9k Skate? I believe it was 280, but im not sure.

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Did not want to open a new thread, so here is a quick question.. I(t) wont hijack the thread!

Whats the regular holder size on a 9D and 9E 9k Skate? I believe it was 280, but im not sure.

You are correct....it is 280mm.

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just to let everyone know

now that the new 9ks are coming out this spring

id imagine the old 9ks will be cheap within the next few weeks.

I'd think you could replace "9K" with just about any piece of equipment at this time and at least 60% would be right. In a few weeks anyway ;)

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