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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth helmet

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Looks like the Stealth Helmet has been made but Easton must be keeping it under wraps. I got a big shipment from Easton today, and half the boxes said "Stealth Helmet" on them. I'm assuming they had the helmets delivered to their "Area 51" warehouse and that they reused the boxes for shipping other items. They must be awaiting cert or are just planning a November surprise. It'd sure be nice to see a pic.

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there was a thread on it a while ago, im not sure who started it but i believe jr had the pic of lidstrom wearing it. but i have searched and cant find it, maybe someone can dig it up for ya. btw i wasnt impressed with the looks, it looks like an intake and vector combo if i remember correctly

GOD DAMNIT JR! you beat me

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I was a Vector helmet hater at first but it has grown on me and now I think it looks great. I thought that Easton would have made their helmet out of Carbon kevlar but never the less it's still a cool looking helmet.

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I was a Vector helmet hater at first but it has grown on me and now I think it looks great. I thought that Easton would have made their helmet out of Carbon kevlar but never the less it's still a cool looking helmet.

They want to get something out on the shelves/NHL players before they go that route. Smarter than coming out with a $200 lid right off the bat.

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That is smart. But with the way sticks have broken the $200.00 mark I would have thought they would have gone all out with their helmet. Still cant wait to see the Stealth.

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That is smart. But with the way sticks have broken the $200.00 mark I would have thought they would have gone all out with their helmet. Still cant wait to see the Stealth.

They're not the only ones over $200. Mission and TPS (NBH if you're unlucky) are in the >$200 range too for sticks.

A $200 lid is unthinkable, in retrospect (although it is your most important piece of equipment, along with your cup). You can get a good VN helmet like the 4000 or 692 for 1/4 of that price, which protects as good (if not better) than an EPP design.

I like the Vector helmet, myself. But my Intake is fine for now... Of course, I'll need a red helmet for next season (changed teams), so that gives me an excuse to try on a Vector when the time comes. Stealth comes too late.

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I think you've been on this forum long enough to realize that people would and will pay it when the time comes. Who would have thought that someone would pay $130.00 for a helmet. Why not $200.00? Hell, people pay $200 for gloves that the palms wear out of.

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I think you've been on this forum long enough to realize that people would and will pay it when the time comes. Who would have thought that someone would pay $130.00 for a helmet. Why not $200.00? Hell, people pay $200 for gloves that the palms wear out of.

Some will pay $200 just so they can say that they paid $200 for their helmet.

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I think you've been on this forum long enough to realize that people would and will pay it when the time comes. Who would have thought that someone would pay $130.00 for a helmet. Why not $200.00? Hell, people pay $200 for gloves that the palms wear out of.

right, the 8k goes for 130 and plenty of people buy it. my lhs actually had it listed for $150 at one point (US$!)

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I think you've been on this forum long enough to realize that people would and will pay it when the time comes. Who would have thought that someone would pay $130.00 for a helmet. Why not $200.00? Hell, people pay $200 for gloves that the palms wear out of.

Some will pay $200 just so they can say that they paid $200 for their helmet.

rich, overprotective parents, i can see it now, "my kids helmet cost $130."

"oh yeah, my kid's helmet cost $200, i hit him in the head with his o-stick and he didn't even feel it."

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I think you've been on this forum long enough to realize that people would and will pay it when the time comes. Who would have thought that someone would pay $130.00 for a helmet. Why not $200.00? Hell, people pay $200 for gloves that the palms wear out of.

True. I guess no price is untouchable, as prices for components rise, not to mention costs for R&D.

Although, most (not all) gloves in the $200 are customs (Eagles are the only non-customs that come to mind that reach $200). In time, everything breaks down... Of course gloves are going to wear out. So will insanely expensive custom skates. It's unfeasible to think that something will always hold up, no matter what the price tag is. But, the performance and durability all must be worth the price tag... But that's a discussion for another topic entirely.

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Sabre, I agree. It still blows my mind that things such as the Kronik that claim to be so great and strong only come with a 30 day warrenty. You'd think for $230+ it would come with at least a 90 day. But as you said thats for another thread.

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