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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth helmet

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Trying to steer the thread back to the helmet:

I'm guessing that, since the Stealth is competing against the Vector that it will have the same sort of EPP/comfort liner combo that the other EPP helmets have.

Any word on the Easton propaganda "special features" that the stealth will have?

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It is a cool looking helmet. Maybe that will be it (COOL) keeping your head cooler while being more protective. Did you see the pics of it? Will be interestig to see all the Easton PRO's wearing them next month.

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I paid $450 for my helmet. I see nothing wrong with wanting top quality protection if that's what the product offers. Now, does anyone have any pics, (and not of some NHL player wearing it), inside pics, close up, etc.

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I paid $195 for a specialy modified Jofa helmet (the old school Gretzky style ones) - mine have a fancy hydration system (beer holder with straws leading through my cage).

Oh... shoot, misplaced the decimal - I meant I paid $1.95 for it, my bad....

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ok well a goalie mask is a lil different then a players mask

its like comparing a old jofa gretz style to something with protection

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Another example: The Itech cage for $150.00, add that to a Rbk 8k helmet and you got a $300 or combo. Again, people will pay.

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