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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Chrome SyNergy

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I know that theres another stick thats being use by mike camelaro(i think thats how you spell it), it is insanely light. Its built like a regular synergy but it is lighter then the stealth because i had them hand in hand and the synergy"ultra-lite"was noticeably lighter

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I know that theres another stick thats being use by mike camelaro(i think thats how you spell it), it is insanely light. Its built like a regular synergy but it is lighter then the stealth because i had them hand in hand and the synergy"ultra-lite"was noticeably lighter

Did this "Ultra Lite" say that on it or have different graphics? How do you know it was built like a regular Synergy

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I know that theres another stick thats being use by mike camelaro(i think thats how you spell it), it is insanely light. Its built like a regular synergy but it is lighter then the stealth because i had them hand in hand and the synergy"ultra-lite"was noticeably lighter

Did this "Ultra Lite" say that on it or have different graphics? How do you know it was built like a regular Synergy

its the synergy ultra-lite.its the same as the silver synergy but has the old gretzky aluminum shaft shinyness. also when i was holdin it i saw a fusepoint.

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He wasn't using them during the season. Funny that they would make one up for a guy that wasn't going to be using it in the world cup. Especially considering teh number of endorsers that will be playing in it.

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He wasn't using them during the season. Funny that they would make one up for a guy that wasn't going to be using it in the world cup. Especially considering teh number of endorsers that will be playing in it.

he was using them i think near the end of the season, all i know is he has a couple right now hes using for hockey.

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i doubt that Zubov of the stars would not be using a real stealth but ol well.

dude, you know nothing at all do you. what kind of curve do you like anyway? modano? yeah, he uses the same pattern too.

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Never saw them on TV.

there same colour as the silver synergy just shinier

Earlier you said it was as shiny as a Gretz aluminum, that would stand out on TV.

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Never saw them on TV.

there same colour as the silver synergy just shinier

Earlier you said it was as shiny as a Gretz aluminum, that would stand out on TV.

yeah it is but on tv it wouldnt be too noticeable since its still silver and it has the easton synergy logos on it and everything.

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I just talked to someone I know who just called Cammaleri up...

Apparently it is true. According to him, it is chrome, and a little lighter than XN10.

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I just talked to someone I know who just called Cammaleri up...

Apparently it is true. According to him, it is chrome, and a little lighter than XN10.

thanks Jr for proving what im sayin is true,if you ever need a sharpening call me up and i wont charge ya

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I just talked to someone I know who just called Cammaleri up...

Apparently it is true.  According to him, it is chrome, and a little lighter than XN10.

thanks Jr for proving what im sayin is true,if you ever need a sharpening call me up and i wont charge ya

He works at a hockey shop, lol.

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Easton is always working to improve the Synergy, that's a well-known fact. My main dispute was that he was using them in season, word would have leaked out about it by now. Competitors tend to notice things like a differently colored stick from one of the other brands. It only took a couple of weeks for a stealth to end up dissected.

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Are you telling me the Stealth retail isnt even out yet (and it sounds like it is still being tweaked) and the new new Synergy is in the works? I guess it makes sense, I am sure Bauer, TPS, and Mission are already working on future sticks and skates

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It's a constant process and it takes a bit of time to produce a functional new design, from what I've been told.

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dammit i hate this i've wanted the stealth for like 5 months now an di have been waiting and saving and now there is a new synergy?? now i want that man i am soo greedy :D but i reallly want both sticks now..but considering the fact the stealth has been talked about for soooo long and i just heard about this i assume it won't be out til' like next september so that will be good.

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hummm interesting, how is cammy using them now? i dont believe he is at the prospect camp in LA right now. any way i will be checking my contacts this week (friday probally) and see if there are any of these "synergy ultra lites" if he did use them during the season their might be a good chance of obtaining one, we will soon see...

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