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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2Way Player

What's the difference between tapered and standard shafts

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Standard blades have a thicker hosel that goes into the shaft. Tapered shafts are supposed to flex closer to the blade, giving you quicker release. You can't use standard blades in tapered shafts and vice versa.

As far as I know, the 6k shaft takes standard blades, unless it's a cut down one-piece stick.

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Jarick, the 6k is a tapered shaft.

that said, I've seen people using flipped over tapered shafts (ccm v8.0) with a standard blade stuck in the handle end. Anything's possible :rolleyes:

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Slight OT to this thread but relevant:

I have a tapered shaft that fit just fine in a tapered OPS that I cut off. But whenever I hit the ice, I think the glue or something contracts and I can shake the stick and feel the blade wobble. Is this possible/common?

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Do you mean you had a tapered BLADE?

And if it is a blade wiggling in the shaft, then you need more glue. Pull the blade out and, perhaps use a glue gun?

I've never tried it, but that seems like an option.

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Do you mean you had a tapered BLADE?

And if it is a blade wiggling in the shaft, then you need more glue. Pull the blade out and, perhaps use a glue gun?

I've never tried it, but that seems like an option.

I had to put a piece of tape on my TPS blade going into a shaft (standard for both). Tight fit after, but solid as hell.

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Mind-boggling how someone would fix the fact that glue's breaking by adding more glue. Just put in tape; that's not breaking.

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I've added more glue before with a similar problem (I guess there wasn't much glue on the blade to begin with, but there were chips of glue inside the shaft after a practice), and it was fixed.

But if the glue is breaking, then tape is the way to go.

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I'm looking to cut my old bauer one 55 stick at the fuse point to turn it into a shaft. I'm playing ball hockey this year, and I would like to put a wood blade into the shaft. Would this work?

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