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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Didn't know the Orioles played in the NFL

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Only 8xbh, I thought the Yankees traded Mussina back to Baltimore.

21 singles

2 doubles

6 home runs

8 walks

1 error


The #8 and #9 hitters had 7rbi a piece.

Also, this was game one of a double header, game two is starting right now.

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Baltimore only used 4 pitchers? Holy Crap. Who was managing? Mario Trembley?

double header, four game series starting monday. probably didn't want to kill the bullpen.

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He had to have figured Game One was too fargone to be breaking deep into the pen. No sense throwing seven different pitchers in a game that's already lost when you have another one to play right after it.

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He had to have figured Game One was too fargone to be breaking deep into the pen. No sense throwing seven different pitchers in a game that's already lost when you have another one to play right after it.

Exactly, there's only one manager that empties his pen in blowouts, and he's too busy in Anaheim tonight.

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But still...there's gotta be some poor schmuck on that staff who's ERA just went from 4 point something to, oh I don't know....50 *L*

Sometimes, its gotta be disheartening to look to the dugout and he's still not coming out to get ya.

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Sometimes you have to just take one for the team. Two of their three quality relievers pitched last night.

Burress should just be happy this wasn't a team managed by Piniella. He usually just leaves in whoever lets it get TOO out of control. Most memorably to me, Travis Harper in 05 against the Yankees. .2ip 9er 1bb 0k 4hr

Game 2 is 3-0 Texas in the second inning.

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On the bright side no one on Texas is going to have legs for the 2nd half.

Also how did Texas get a save for this?

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On the bright side no one on Texas is going to have legs for the 2nd half.

Also how did Texas get a save for this?

Yeah, but you don't have to run very hard when it's Grand Slams....not like they were legging out triples all night.

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I just looked at the team stats, even if Texas doesn't go nuts in the second game they'll go from 14th in the league in runs to about 6-7

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I'm just waiting for the damn LLWS to get back on even though Erin Andrews is off for the night it seems. Also trying to see about getting my Legion stats updated with this arbitrary save rule. Post 1 Wall of Fame here I come.

Edit: Wow, I think all the kids on the MN team are related to each other. They look awfully big and special.

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