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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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So... about those Graf 707s...

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I feel like I got a pretty good deal. This will be my first pair of Grafs and I really enjoyed the two piece upper in the time I spent trying them on... but here's the kicker... they were 79.99 and I had like 43$ credit from selling some old skates to PIA before so I got them for like 40$... anyway, the steel seems okay and overall, besides cosmetic, the boot is in great structural condition... or atleast, it seems...

Here are some pictures:



Insole Both:


Insole left:


Insole right:


outsole both:


Outsole left:


Outsole right:


Toe both:


Anyway, just kind of excited, thought I'd share the good deal. I play more roller than ice and honestly was in the market for new inlines before ice skates but I couldn't pass this up... who knows, maybe I'll snag a pair of sprungs and convert these... we'll see.

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I can attest to them being extremely soft. They feel fine while wearing them, but on the ice its totally different. Luckily, I have pretty strong ankles so mine dont bother me that much.

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I guess I'll give them a shot and see how I fair... there's a chance they will be too soft on the upper end... we'll see.

I may convert them, I don't know, I'm gonna skate on them a few times first.

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If your ankles weren't strong enough couldn't you just wrap the lace around the boot for more support? That's what I did with my 705's because they would keep getting loose at the top and kind of flimsy around the ankle. Not the same skate at all, but still.

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I've got a busy work schedule this week but i'm gonna drop them off to get sharpened and then try and skate at drop in with them by the end of the week...

I'll report back.

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