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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fat chance of that ever happening. EA knows that they are going to sell a lot of units anyway so they have no reason to drop the price.

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I'd just assume 2K5 is going for cheaper because thats the only way that they'll sell. EA has the name brand recognition, and most people will just automatically continue to buy EA.

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It's an obvious attempt to try to grab a larger part of the EA dominated sports game market. $20 and it's out a month earlier... it's a desperate thing to do but they knew they were going to get stomped if 2k5 came out at the same time (and same price) as NHL 2005.

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The gameplay in ESPN NHL was the best in any hockey game to date. They got rid of the "cash S" goal from 2k3. Goals can be scored from any angle and the gameplay is just so much more incredibly deep than 2004. The EA series has been poor since it went 3D.

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The gameplay in ESPN NHL was the best in any hockey game to date. They got rid of the "cash S" goal from 2k3. Goals can be scored from any angle and the gameplay is just so much more incredibly deep than 2004. The EA series has been poor since it went 3D.

I agree, the gameplay on last years was the absolute best of any hockey game bar none. The franchise mode was a bit of a disapointment though. I have heard they have greatly improved the franchise mode this time around, so that is encouraging, especially if it is anything like NFL 2k5.

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The "s" move still works, and i cant get into a hockey game where the guys skate like rhinos and my favorite players name is spelt "ilja." I thought espn valued accuracy.

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I remember arguing with JR about how St. Louis carried Tampa Bay during their Stanley Cup run and stating that he should be on the cover of NHL 2005. I was doubted and look now he is on NHL 2k5's...How bout that...I cant find that old thread when we had that argument lol

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I remember arguing with JR about how St. Louis carried Tampa Bay during their Stanley Cup run and stating that he should be on the cover of NHL 2005. I was doubted and look now he is on NHL 2k5's...How bout that...I cant find that old thread when we had that argument lol

Want a cookie? :rolleyes:

Seriously, I've never played NHL 2k5, so I don't know their criteria for cover boys...

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Yea I stick to EA Games myself but I just remember people sayin like he will never be on the cover but he is now and I proved my point so yes I will like a co0kie, but with some milk please.

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Nah man. NHL 95 on SNES, that was the shiznitz.

Ok ok, the graphics weren't the greatest :P but it was a classic. Very fun to play with friends.

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i always thought '94 on snes was the best. decent graphics, good game play, animated crowds (the shark tank did the jaws arms), and cam neely was god in that year of EA.

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Although '94 was a very good game (and Joe Juneau was better than Nealy) I believe Blades of Steel is the best hockey game all time, with Ice Hockey (Fat-middle skinny) ranking very high as well.

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