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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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VAPOR XXlX skates

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I've seen them at Hockey Experts in Centre Rockland in Montreal, they are 200$ less than the vapor 40 model. they look very similar to the 40 by the way, the tongue, and the outter shell, and the liner are slightly different, still pretty stiff IMO. hope this helps

PS. Exact same fit as vapor 40 BTW :)

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yeah it a smu sports gilbert rousseau and source for sports have them aswell apparently http://www.sportsrousseau.com/Magic94Scrip...,-A,-AVAPXXIXSR

and at this store they compare them to the xxxx only difference is linings basketweave nylon and xxxx are tech mesh and lining clarino linear and xxxx are hydrophobic clarino. boot both same full carbon and tongue same.


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They have the XXIX at my local hockey shop here in Brampton Ont. at Sports Unlimited. Just a step down from the XXXX but a bit cheaper in price. Nice skate for the money. The XXV is also a good alternative to the XXXX if you don't have the bucks to go for the top of the line Vapor.

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Are these really like the 30 ? Or is this guy talking out of his ass ? For people who went from XXX to XXXX what did you prefer ? Im looking into maybe grabbing myself some 40's before Xmas and am curious.

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we can't say they are better then the xxx cause xxx are tech mesh and dydrophobic while the xxx and xxxx are. but they are better then the xxv cause the boot is full carbon compared to the xix and xxv are full texallium. in term of fiting and comfort can't say but they can't be worst then the xxv cause they are btw the xxxx and xxv.

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that hockey corea site is accurate, thats the exact description given to me from the nike bauer rep

What does it say ?

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