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Speed Demon

What are the best $300.00 CAD Hockey Skates?

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I have been out of the game for a while and I need some opinions.

I am looking to spend ~300.00 CAD on a new pair of skates. My best fit I had were with Nike Ignite 7s and the old G35s. The Graf 703s felt very nice when I tried them out too.

I am looking into the Bauer / Nike line-up as they have been good for me. Thank you for your help,

Speed Demon

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Difficult to say. I have seen Bauer 80-90's, Graf 735's, and Mission M7's on sale for less than that at some LHS's.

Rousseau Sports has a few good pairs on for decent clearance prices right now:

Mission Fuel 110XP - $299 (down from $549)

Mission Fuel 90AG - $299

Mission S-300, 400, and 500 going at $179, $229, and $299

RBK 8K - $349

CCM Vector 6.0SE - $279

It would depend on the shape of you foot, but if you can fit comfortably in Missions then I would strongly recommend them - excellent product, and superb customer service. The CS is also very good with RBK-CCM, but the out of the twe listed, the RBK will be the more durable skate - the stiffness breaks down quickly int he lower Vector models, from my experience.

Here's a link to Rousseau's skate page (mods, feel free to delete it if it is spamming):


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The Vapor XXV's are an excellent skate for the money if you can't afford the Vapor XXXX's. If you can swing it get a pair. If not the Vapor XXII's are't too bad either. I wouldn't go any lower than the XXII if you can avoid it.

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sportchek has synergy 1300's on for $299. i picked a pair up and love them

i was ognna get a pair of them they fit my feet everyere but depth. The top of my foot had some pain just from wlaking in them. and i was set on them unless i found another pair so i shopped around and ended up with rbk talon pumps. same price but better fit, so i went with the fit aspect and im glad i did.

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Last year's Vapor XIX's are also nice choice if you can't find some XXX's or XX's on closeout in your size and price range. I believe the XIX's can be had for about $250ish cdn.

As a side note, I found that when I tried on the XXV's that the toecap felt too wide. They were nice fit otherwise, but I couldn't get used to to the extra room at the front of the skates (even after going down a half size). I went with the XIX's (with the older style toecaps) and couldn't be happier.

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The best $300 CAD skates you can buy would be finding someone in the US to pick you up a pair or taking a trip down here to do some shopping. The Canadian prices are redic.

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as far as current year model skates i think that the XXV (solely based on features) offers more than any other skate. They are $299 USD. Late model, i know xxx are rare but solid top of the line skates that if found at $300 would be an excellent pickup as well. Go based on fit 1st and features later though.

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sportchek has synergy 1300's on for $299. i picked a pair up and love them

did they heat them up for you? i hope not, i have a few of my friends return their skates because of a uneducated sales person who said oh yea they can be heat molded no problem. they had glue problems, and they might not hold up well. at my LHS the vapor xxii are 299.99, they are a nice skate for the price. but if you can get a pair of vapor xxv, for that price go for it, they are an awesome skate. stiff boot, same fit as all the other vapors from this year. i think they are almost the vapor xxxx's the only difference would be the outsoles, and the quater package would be made of a better grade material.

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sportchek has synergy 1300's on for $299. i picked a pair up and love them

did they heat them up for you? i hope not, i have a few of my friends return their skates because of a uneducated sales person who said oh yea they can be heat molded no problem. they had glue problems, and they might not hold up well.

They offered to heat them up but I knew better.

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Difficult to say. I have seen Bauer 80-90's, Graf 735's, and Mission M7's on sale for less than that at some LHS's.

Rousseau Sports has a few good pairs on for decent clearance prices right now:

Mission Fuel 110XP - $299 (down from $549)

Mission Fuel 90AG - $299

Mission S-300, 400, and 500 going at $179, $229, and $299

RBK 8K - $349

CCM Vector 6.0SE - $279

It would depend on the shape of you foot, but if you can fit comfortably in Missions then I would strongly recommend them - excellent product, and superb customer service. The CS is also very good with RBK-CCM, but the out of the twe listed, the RBK will be the more durable skate - the stiffness breaks down quickly int he lower Vector models, from my experience.

Here's a link to Rousseau's skate page (mods, feel free to delete it if it is spamming):


i picked up a pair of 110XPs from rousseau last week. i was deciding between that and the fuel 90AG and finally went with the 110 since it was my size and i wanted to try something a stiffer and more high-end then the S300s ive been wearing for the last 3-4 years. i wear EE and the toe box was a bit on the narrow side, but i wore them around the house for a few hours and the first time out was great. there's a bit of wiggle room in the heel and ankle region, which is my only beef about the fit. also it took me about 20 minutes at the shop just to get the pitch from neutral to +1 (had to tap out the steel a couple of times and getting them into the right notch was a pain in the arse).

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sportchek has synergy 1300's on for $299. i picked a pair up and love them

did they heat them up for you? i hope not, i have a few of my friends return their skates because of a uneducated sales person who said oh yea they can be heat molded no problem. they had glue problems, and they might not hold up well.

They offered to heat them up but I knew better.

haha when i almost bought that one pair of 1300 c from sport chek my mom was with me and she asked the guy if they could be baked and before he could answere i said no. And he like made a big deal over how they oculd be heat molded since "all high end skates" can be heat molded acoring to him. He shut up once i showed him how it says not to bake them right on the skate. :lol:

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Oh most of the people that work at sport chek know next to nothing about hockey but as much as there employee's may know dick all I have to give there customer service credit. I went to the 3 sport chek's in my area and none had the 1300's in my size but one of the guys there told me to email there customer service dept. and see what they could do for me.

I emailed them and expalined my situation and told them what size I needed and a few days I got a reply from them saying they located a pair in my size and they would be at a sport chek near me in 5 business days. Needless to say I was happy.

Sorry for getting off topic so bad there just wanted to share that story.

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