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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stastny's Stick

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well they probably aren't anymore but when he first started using that stick they were his dad's old ones like why else would he decide to start using that stick

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It starts near the back of the blade, begins to bend mildly as it moves towards the toe of the stick, and then stops at the end.

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It starts near the back of the blade, begins to bend mildly as it moves towards the toe of the stick, and then stops at the end.

Really ? Excellent.....wait a minute ....that describes just about all blades in existence ! now thats weirdddd ! :blink: I thought it might start near the handle and continue to bend wildly to the end till it ran out of wood to curve :P ( taste the sarcasm dripping from that one )

'contrary to popular belief, it wont make you get a hatty.'

What ? Does that mean that taping 3 of em' together won't ultimately result in a guaranteed 9 goal game ?

I was just curious to see what sort of curve he uses, what is wrong with a question like that ? :ph34r:

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I don't know if they're pro-stock or how curves worked back then, but I have about 6 Vic "Stastny" woodies from waaaaaaaaay back when in my mother's basement. Someone had given them to her but I shoot the right way and never bothered with them. I remember it being a short, small blade and somewhat iggy-ish in pattern. And that you're guaranteed splinters if you pick one up.

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That was a stock Vic pattern with the rounded toe. Just a regular old retail curve from the 80s.

And the splinters were part of the finishing process or lack thereof.

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My understanding that Pauls pattern is very similar to his dads. So saying "they are his dads" are not that far off. Its a big ugly blade with a toe curve too.

This kids gonna be something else.

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I work at the Blue's practice facility and have been able to take a look at Yan's SOPs. From what I recall, it is a sharp toe curve with a lot of loft. Similar to the pattern Martin Rucinsky uses.

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theyve interviewed him about it here in denver. its definitely his dad's pattern, and he's used it his whole life - according to him. he's tried composites and just doesnt like em. pretty sure its a 7000.

it does look iggy like, with a lower lie - squarish on the toe, i think a bit shaved down looking as well.

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theyve interviewed him about it here in denver. its definitely his dad's pattern, and he's used it his whole life - according to him. he's tried composites and just doesnt like em. pretty sure its a 7000.

it does look iggy like, with a lower lie - squarish on the toe, i think a bit shaved down looking as well.

Yep. Its a 7000

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JR is right, they are (or were as of last year when I saw them in the Avalanche locker room) his Dad's pattern.

I can't tell you how he does it on the ice (his numbers speak for themselves), but I can tell you that his pattern is UGLY!

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