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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXX Skates

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Does anyone know where I could get my hands on a brand new pair of sz10 2E Vapor XXX skates?

I am wearing the xxxx's right now and they are killing my ankles. I have tried re-heating them and also punching out the boot, but they are still bothering me. The xxx's fit me like a glove, I would wear my pair from last year but they broke down in the ankles and don't really have the support left in them.

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I don't trust any of my LHS's. There is only one that is a personal LHS that will treat a customer like a real person but this guy marks his stuff up alot.

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Before I go and do the custom skate thing, I would like to see if there is something I could possibly do with my current xxxx's to fix the ankle problem. From what I have noticed is that on both skates the padding on the inner ankles is pushed away and my ankles(just inner not outer ankles) are right up against the hard outer shell.

Here is a pic to kind of help explain...


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I had a buddy who had HUGE ankles (big feet too). He wore a size 16 shoe and had to have his custom ordered. He ended up with a pair of custom pro tacks directly from CCM. Only issue was that he ankles didn't fit right. He took it to a shoe repair/leatherworking shop and they cut out the old and put sewed in new padding and he said it worked wonders.

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Same I have that problem with one of my ankles but I do not have any pain. Did you try not to tie the skates really tight?

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I had that issue with the One90s...that is why I switched to the XXXX. Did you replace the XXXX insole with a One90 insole?

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I had a bad ankle injury a while back while wearing s500's. The picture you have is EXACTlY where my ankle kept bothering me. It was like something hard on the skate rubbed directly into my foot. It was horrible. My feet hurt so bad when i was done.

Since moved on to 707's. I hope you can find a pair of vapor XXX's that fit your needs.

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I don't know if tying my skates looser will help because where my ankle bone comes in contact with the boot is where there is no padding now. Plus I can't leave my skates overly loose, playing defence and pivoting is hard for me with loose skates.

That pic is not of my actual skate, I found that pic on the net and was just using it to help explain where it seems all the padding got pushed to.

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did that, helped a bit, but i still would need padding there. Basically where my ankle is sitting, take the liner from the skate and wrap it on the outside of the boot and that is what it would feel like where my ankle sits.

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I had the exact same problem with my XXXX's. only the inner ankle was giving me problems. what i did was bought a pair of grey superfeet, and my lhs baked them 3 times, and they punched out almost the entire area of the inside ankles and also punched out the heel so my foot would sit back deeper in the skate. worked wonders and now I have no problems with my ankles.

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I solved the problem by purchasing another pair of Vapor XXX's. I mite see what I could do to get the xxxx's working, if not I guess there will be a pair of vapor xxxx's on the market soon.

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I had this problem with my heel spur rubbing on the back of my 9k's where theres is practically no padding, I fixed it by just buying some mole skin and putting it in the spot where it hurt. Its kinda different but it might help.

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I solved the problem by purchasing another pair of Vapor XXX's. I mite see what I could do to get the xxxx's working, if not I guess there will be a pair of vapor xxxx's on the market soon.

Where did u find the XXX"s ? LHS or net ?

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