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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Bad sharpenings

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Some guy came in with Vapor XXs...he "shopped" me and ended up picking them up online. However, I had the last laugh when he came in and dropped them off complaining that the skate didn't feel right.





Here's what I left him with...



The quality of the pics aren't that good, but you can get a clear indication of what's going on. I'm sure the sharpeners on the board will get a kick out of this one!

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I'm not even a sharpener and I can tell what a shitty job he had done. Did he get those done at the online shop he ordered them from?

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I've never seen one of those measuring devices before, and maybe with good reason.

the device is called a quick square and each line represents a half a thousandth of an inch so if its off by one line its off by a thou since its off on both sides. those tools can be purchased from maximum edge for any hockey shop. just i dun think itd say maximum edge

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Yeah, it's a Maximum Edge Quick Square. It separates the pros from the hacks. (And yes, it does have the Maximum Edge logo on it)

Go to www.maximum-edge.com

M-E sells one for personal use. It is not as accurate as a Quick Square (I think the lines are 1/100th of an inch as opposed to 1/1000th) but it's for the customer to get a general idea of squareness. It's not badly priced either.

Too many shops overlook this.

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hahahaha wow.... JR did you just start all over and cross-grind them cuz they were so far off? thats insane that some 1 could make them that far off.... factory cut steels are way more even out of the box! yeah those quick squares are nice... cept one of ours i dont trust because its warn down where the edges of the skate hit it, but the other one is still great.

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Here's a tip I picked up - when you get a brand new Magnetic Angle, take some electrical tape and put it on the part that goes onto the blade. Just about an inch and a quarter of tape is all you need. That way, it will scratch up the tape and not the metal.

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I emailed Maximum Edge to get a price on the consumer version of the tool in case anybody is interested. Hopefully I will hear back from them very soon and I will let people know what it costs. Thanks for the link to the Quick Square. It should be something that all shops should have but sadly, not all of them do.

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I think it's $30, as opposed to $130 for the QS. I had to pay for my QS out of pocket. Our proshop doesn't think it's necessary or worth the money.

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Now as far as buying the supplies, it honestly has gotten ridiculous. I have a locker at work (I asked the rink to provide me one after my gloves were stolen by a rink employee). In total, I have about $300 in sharpening supplies which are PERSONAL; not paid for by the shop. Yet the shop is bragging to everyone that we have the best sharpeners in the state. None of them which take my advice on sharpening.

Let's see...as far as Flyweights go...

The first FW I got was from my Mission rep, I had to "settle" for it instead of a M-1 (this is before they came out)

I bought two when we got them in the shop at closeout cost.

I bought one from HM at $59.99.

And the last two, my friend Skinny gave me.

The funny thing is that I have only used 3 of them. I used one of the new ones and was amazed by the snap it had.

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Hey, if he was Ed Belfour then that sharpening would have been dead on at the toe. Anyone ever see how that guy sharpens his skates?

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Yet the shop is bragging to everyone that we have the best sharpeners in the state. None of them which take my advice on sharpening.

You mean you're not actually the only one doing sharpenings? :angry: Why is that?

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Here is the reply I got from H-M:

We do sell a consumer version we call it a skate gauge. It retails for $29.95 Canadian. He is also correct in Telling you that is less accurate. Instead of measuring the skate blade to one thousands of an inch it measures anywhere inside of 3 thousands of an inch. Instead of being 5 inches long it is 3 inches.

I just wanted to post this in case anybody is ever interested in ordering the consumer version of the tool. I have no affiliation with this company nor do personally gain anything by posting this information so I am assuming that posting this price is within the limits of the board rules.

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speaking of weird sharpenings, JR do u do get asked for a lot of (goalie skates) slight, with 1/2'' on the tips? ive done a few the past few days and havnt really seen them untill then.

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That's screwy.

I do know that he does them himself.

I thought I read somewhere that there is one equipment guy that Belfour has "taught" how to do his skates...I think it may have been the guy in Dallas.

I don't think it is to help his push...I think it makes getting out up from the butterfly easier...but I may be wrong.

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That's screwy.

I do know that he does them himself.

I thought I read somewhere that there is one equipment guy that Belfour has "taught" how to do his skates...I think it may have been the guy in Dallas.

I don't think it is to help his push...I think it makes getting out up from the butterfly easier...but I may be wrong.

no actually ed belfour sharpens and profiles his own skates. guys i work with went to a leaf practice and saw him profiling his skates and he got upset so he called the guy from maximum edge. Belfour is the craziest guy he has up to 5 different blades all with different profiles,leans and hollows. weve had some goalies ask for a 1/4 cut or a 3/8. i think to myself how they use it when im a player and im skating on almost a 1inch hollow. having the inside edge lower is easier for butterfly supposebly same with getting ur toe sharper then the rest of the blade.

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