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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Travis Barker on Crank That

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WOW. Good song made even better with a guitar and his amazing skills on the drums.

Are you serious?

Didn't know members of the peanut gallery contribute to the Rolling Stone lol.

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Who did you think writes Rolling Stone?

Do you listen to everything they tell you to listen to?

That publication means nothing.

WOW. Good song made even better with a guitar and his amazing skills on the drums.

Are you serious?

Didn't know members of the peanut gallery contribute to the Rolling Stone lol.

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: /

Yup. I'm a tool like that. I will listen to anybody if their vocabulary is beyond a 4th grade level.

This isn't going anywhere. Enjoy the video.

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Been posted before in another thread...

But w.e, it is an awesome song. I actually heard this version before the original, the original is shit! This song has beat!

I like it.

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I listened to it and thought it was ok... The i listened to the original and felt like listening to traffic or something. I then went back to the Barker version and it WAS awesome. Gotta hear the difference to appreciate.

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much better than the original

mad props to travis lol

no but seriously, it takes some skill to do that, and i respect him for exactly that

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It would certainly be difficult to make that song worse.

At least he didn't do a Fergie re-mix or something. I hate that "thing" and everything it produces with a fiery passion which consumes my entire being.

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I hate that "thing" and everything it produces with a fiery passion which consumes my entire being.


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