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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Konig von Kuhlem

Creating a Homemade Composite Hockey Stick

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First thing you wanna do is get a three foot high spoiler. After that a coffee can. After that it doesnt matter your set.

On topic, I highly doubt it would perform well, but it would be kinda fun and you could alway stickhandle on dry land with it and then hang it up just to show it off..

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I was thinking of using prepreg layers wrapped around a shaped mandrel or core with each layer having the fibers at a different orientation. Then vacuum-bag it and bake. I'm not sure about the temperature ramping times or vacuum pressures to use. For the making a blade, I know a machine shop with CNC capabilities that could probably make me a mold for consistent blade curves.

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I was thinking of using prepreg layers wrapped around a shaped mandrel or core with each layer having the fibers at a different orientation. Then vacuum-bag it and bake. I'm not sure about the temperature ramping times or vacuum pressures to use. For the making a blade, I know a machine shop with CNC capabilities that could probably make me a mold for consistent blade curves.

that will depend on the type of prepreg you get

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Yeah, try it why not? lol, the only downside would be 'technologies' which wouldn't be present, may i ask why are you doing it? besides the 'fun' part, are the current sticks to expensive or what?

Over the next ten weeks i will be making my own wood sticks. I am refining my game and finding what i like doing more, so i want to try different blades to find which is the best for those skills but also try different blades to see what skills can be improved with a different blade. Now, here in australia for me to buy ten sticks and mould the blades it would cost me $500, so i will make my own for a much much cheaper price. The sticks will only be designed to last 3-4 sessions, just so that i can get a feel for the blade, once i choose a blade, i will buy a stick which best matches the blade which i chose.


why not get a shaft, buy a dozen wood blades off ebay, get a blowtorch and curve them?

that's actually what i'm going to be doing soon.

if anyone else has a better way of modifying a curve...just let me know

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Don't you guys use heat guns?? Those IR thermometers are good to to make sure your surface temp doesn't get too high.

ive tried a heat gun before and IMO it didnt get hot enough, and i ended up cracking the blade.

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you'll need some fibres in that mix... I used to have access to lots of kevlar and titanium fibres when I was in uni... used those and an epoxy mix on my blades to make them last longer...

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