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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Actual Crosby Curve

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Eh, it's not really a big deal unless someone makes it a big deal. I don't really care if he has one or not as the pictures have been posted before, so unless you're going to give him a cup of coffee or a high-five for owning a Crosby blade get over it.

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Not from this guy but they've been posted before. It's not like they're going to look different from the pics recently posted of it. I don't see what the big deal is; it's straight. Something I'm starting to question about members here with a boner going "ZOMG small curve!"

The big deal is that some guy says he's playing with Crosby's pro pattern so he must have one of Crosby's pro stock blade. It's a pretty cool thing to have and if you come out and talk about it on a hockey related forum, you should at least have a picture to back it up. Especially if your post count is 14.

No offense there pmchelli, i hope you understand my point.

that, and the fact that they are such a bitch to come by that most people that would dish out that kinda dough aren't gonna go playing with them. maybe you have one and are playing with it, maybe you know somebody at the factory that hooked you up, maybe your buddy buddy with sid, who knows? We're just saying that odds are, you're full of shit.

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Maybe you don't care about it but i'd like to see his blade (pmchelli's)and i'm sure others would too. I think it's called curiosity or something.

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I'm from Pittsburgh and my LHS has really good relations with all of their reps and the Sher-wood rep comes in to town every other week to bring Sid stuff and his rejects go to that store. I've also bought them at The Hockey Stop in Columbus. They aren't as hard to come by as you would think. I am starting to consider getting them custom for me because they are becoming harder to come by. They're also a really cheap blade so I can afford to play with them. I'm not trying to be all "Oh I have Sid's blade so please like me." There were question, I use the blades, so I answered them. You're right, I only have 14 posts, I've lurked on here for a long time before creating an account. Sorry if this came off bitter, it wasn't meant to be.

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Maybe you don't care about it but i'd like to see his blade (pmchelli's)and i'm sure others would too. I think it's called curiosity or something.

Then get real curious and find the pics that have been shown before.

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does anyone know what the curve is on the new 7k Crosby stick what current curve it compares to

Retail looked a lot like the Modano

Yeah, almost identical. Or so it appears.

the 4ks at my store look just a retail sakic...

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crosby talks about sticks.


Crosby may be as picky as anyone about his blades. Every time he receives a shipment, he'll sit in the equipment room going through up to 72 a day. He discards many before finally coming up with a select few that suit his needs.

"I like my stick to be pretty straight, so if there's any bit of curve on it, I try to make it straight as possible," Crosby said. "The ones you buy in a store are never the same pattern, but the one I used to use growing up was Wendel Clark, and it was a little bigger curve than what I use now. My dad always told me to use a straighter stick because you learn the technique of shooting a lot more with a straighter stick and, if you have a curve, you might try to flick the puck and try to put it upstairs (on the goal) all the time."

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he (pmichelli) does have the blades....i bought him some of them from the store i work at.....i think he has like.....5 of them right now....he has been through a lot of them though.

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