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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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any doctors or nurses in the house?

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i was just wondering if it was safe to play hockey after taking a fall and cutting up your knee and hands. I was riding my bike earlier today and took a hard fall. my hands are not to bad but the area just below my knee is cut up bad. The problem is that i also have a game tonight. I've bandaged it up the best i could but i was wondering if it would be reasonable safe to play without it getting infected from the gear? Also if there is anything i can or should do before the game wouold be great as well.


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that liquid bandage stuff works pretty well... used to use it when i was a kid in diving. the boards can make your feet raw, and that stuff really helped out. Be prepared though, if you use it on an open cut, it stings until it dries

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I'm not a dr, but last month I played a game the night after I scraped the skin off my knee sliding in a baseball game.. just keep your cuts bandaged up well. if it was deep enough that you required stitches and you are worried you might open them up, then don't play.. just make sure you keep the wound clean after as well. I'm thinking it must not be that bad if you are considering playing.

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Put some saran (plastic wrap) over it and tape that round your wound. It might be kiiiinda messy or painful to get off if your scab gets liquidy and sticks to the plastic but there isn't going to be any germs getting under it.

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We have a guy on our team who sort of did the same thing. He sliced his palm open pretty bad with a knife, and had a game later that night. He put on a bandage, followed by a rubber glove and taped that on his hand, and bam, ready to play. So basically, as long as you're keeping it clean, all you really need is something to keep your wound out of contact from your gear, like saran wrap, or an equivalent of sorts.

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Just before tonite's game I bought compression legs and under shirt from Walmart (Canada), $35 each. I think this stuff would be perfect for protecting any abrasions or cuts, as you cover most of your body.

I got it because of my shoulder (and knee), which is in not so good shape after taking a hit resulting in a painful grade 1 separation. It's been 8 days. I lasted most of the game before I couldn't use my arm. Stick work along the boards hurt most.

Anyway the compression stuff is awesome. I didn't sweat either. Highly recommend.

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i played 40 minutes after i scraped both my knees from a fall at public skate. yeah i know... thats why you dont skate in shorts.

well anyway, i just bandaged it up good before games. you'll likely sweat until the bandage comes off during the game anyway, and when you get home, it wouldn't be a bad idea to hit your shin pads with some disinfectant. you should be okay (sweat cleanses the skin) as long as you keep it nice and clean when you're off the ice.

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