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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacement blade tenon lengths

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So I was putting in a XXX Lite wood blade in to test for an ice time tonight and noticed that the tenon length is alot longer than my L2. (just under 2" vs. 3")

I took a quick peek at the rest of my replacement blades and noticed quite a bit of variance between different companies, even on the standard blades as well. (shortest was a CCM pro-return at 1 13/16", longest was TPS, NBH, and Easton tapered at 3")

Also, some of the higher-end ones (and a fair amount lighter) blades such as the CCM pro-stock and Dolomite2 have hollow tenons while the Synergy2 is filled with some sort of foam.

Has anybody broken a blade at the tenon and do they have higher incidences of breakage with longer/shorter ones, or hollow/non-hollow ones?

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shorter tendons feel a bit stiffer to me, and they have a bit quicker release on wrist shots, but i like taking slapshots with longer tendon blades because the shafts loads up a bit better imo.

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I think you're confusing tenon and hosel.

Like my ex-gf used to say; the longer the better, to a point... then it just hurts.

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I think you're confusing tenon and hosel.

Tenon = inside the shaft

Hosel = between the shaft and blade

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dammit, I need to start explaining some of my posts more, that's like two times this week someone has stepped up for my lazy post. Thanks for adding that chadd, btw my response was to thejackal, not odp.

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I think you're confusing tenon and hosel.

Like my ex-gf used to say; the longer the better, to a point... then it just hurts.

Your ex-girlfriend sounds so smart.

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