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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth vs. XN10

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I got my first chance to see and feel the new Easton Stealth today and I liked the wieght and feel of it. I've been playing around with the XN10 at the pro shop that I work at for a couple of months now and I've narrowed my choices down to either the Stealth or XN10. I understand that the people using Stealths are probably using pro sticks and are harder to come by. BUt I was hoping to get some feedback from people that have used both. I also will say that for the past 2 months I've been using a vapor xx and like it.

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Is it too much to ask to have you write you instead of u? Anyway there isn't alot of people that have actually tested the Stealth, but many people seem to think very highly of the XN10.

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Stealth was better than the XN10 but it was a pro stock and presumably better (z-tac coated blade) than what the retails will be. The difference is marginal though and both are great sticks. I'd go with what has the curve/flex you prefer.

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We don't have the Stealth yet, but our Easton rep brought one in today along with Synergy skates to show us. I think we'll have the Stealth by sept/oct. along with the Synergy skates.

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Apples to Oranges.. Can't go wrong either way. I think the XN10 has the advantage in the fact that its about 50 dollars cheaper and is offered in multiple flexes. Im still frustrated that easton is not releasing a Drury stealth, but im optimistic they will release some new patterns.

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Is it too much to ask to have you write you instead of u? Anyway there isn't alot of people that have actually tested the Stealth, but many people seem to think very highly of the XN10.

ok.........wut i the difference u know wut i mean i think ur just trying to start trouble buddy and that is just stupid..look arounnd the forums everyone does it.

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Is it too much to ask to have you write you instead of u? Anyway there isn't alot of people that have actually tested the Stealth, but many people seem to think very highly of the XN10.

ok.........wut i the difference u know wut i mean i think ur just trying to start trouble buddy and that is just stupid..look arounnd the forums everyone does it.

Actually this board prefers English, Mush-Mouth. Typing like that just makes you look ignorant.

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wow i can't beleive u guys would get on my back for sumthing as stupid as that i thot this board was about hockey not grammar and it isn't mush-mouth u kno EXACTLY wut i am saying.I'm sure u guys have better things to do then lectue me on my grammar..now i am gonna stop talking and ruining this guys topic so if have something to say to me pm me.

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I figure after a while that Easton will release a Stealth Synthesis. It's the typical way these kinda sticks go, just wait 6 months.

How are they going to do a Stealth Synthesis?

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In using both, i can say the stealth is head and shoulders above the XN10, but i never liked the XN10 and even prefered the vapor XX over an XN10. the stealth(s) i have ( modano, roloston, and forsberg) feel so much more balanced and it does feel very light. for instance i was on the ice last night with a buddy of mine who is usin a si-core. now we all know the si-core is a great stick and very light, he wanted to take a couple shots with the stealth so i took the si-core, and the si-core felt soo bad compared to the stealth, heavier and more unbalanced, and this is from a guy who used a si-core about 5 months and raved about it. all in all curve and flex is importance, but if you can i would go for the stealth, it is in a whole new class

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Hattrick - Have you seen a difference within the Stealths or have they been consistant?

I could see a Stealth Synthesis, but because of the new or different fusing it may cause a whole new line of tapered blades to go with the shaft, seperate from the standard, long tapered shaft/short hosel blade. Maybe I'm completely off, who knows.

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Hattrick - Have you seen a difference within the Stealths or have they been consistant?

I could see a Stealth Synthesis, but because of the new or different fusing it may cause a whole new line of tapered blades to go with the shaft, seperate from the standard, long tapered shaft/short hosel blade. Maybe I'm completely off, who knows.

The blades would have to be different and incompatible with any other shafts. It's not economically realistic for them to do it.

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ya i have seen a difference, the roloston and modano felt feather light where as the forsberg and bertuzzi were a little be heavier/stiffer. but they were all confrimed stealths by easton so it was the players preference.

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Hattrick - Have you seen a difference within the Stealths or have they been consistant?

I could see a Stealth Synthesis, but because of the new or different fusing it may cause a whole new line of tapered blades to go with the shaft, seperate from the standard, long tapered shaft/short hosel blade. Maybe I'm completely off, who knows.

The blades would have to be different and incompatible with any other shafts. It's not economically realistic for them to do it.

That's what I was trying to say, sorry. That they would need a new line, pretty much how along the lines of the T-Flex, where it was the only one of its kind at the time, but I think it'd do better on account of the Stealth label. However I don't think it would do well enough to produce.

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You mentioned the comparison to the Si-Core. How does that Stealth blade feel since it does not have the gel in it like the Si-Core ? Is it brittle ? Puck fly off it ?

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No Stealth for me then. That's the reason I did not like the regular Synergy--blade was too brittle. I'll stick with the Si-Core or maybe there will be an updated Si-Core this Fall.

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i hope the stealths blade is better then the xn10s, i just bought one and cant use it because the blade is to stiff to puckhandle with. i still think the true one is the best ops i have used.

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