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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth vs. XN10

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No Stealth for me then. That's the reason I did not like the regular Synergy--blade was too brittle. I'll stick with the Si-Core or maybe there will be an updated Si-Core this Fall.

how does a hot face translate into a brittle blade?

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Is it too much to ask to have you write you instead of u? Anyway there isn't alot of people that have actually tested the Stealth, but many people seem to think very highly of the XN10.

ok.........wut i the difference u know wut i mean i think ur just trying to start trouble buddy and that is just stupid..look arounnd the forums everyone does it.

Actually this board prefers English, Mush-Mouth. Typing like that just makes you look ignorant.

srry guys i just had to post this on here

if yall think its stupid then yu can make fun of it or watever but

i think its hirlarious how sweetblazers got enough guts to argue with a mod :lol:

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I know that the release date has been discussed before, but there are way too many topics that discuss the Stealth that I don't have the patience to search through them all to get the answer to my question...

What is the official release date for the Stealth?

If the stick already has its on page on the Easton website and is starting to show up as a demo in some stores then I would assume that it must be pretty close.

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Love the avatar, Mack. Friends of yours?

Just an experiment with malted barley and hops, gravity and morally flexible girls.

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