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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Problem with Ice pants and shin pads

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so i got this problem, my shin pads pop out above my ice pants and then the ice pants basically now are inbetwen my shin pads and knee. how can i fix this? does this even make sense? on a side note, how high or low do you where your ice pants?

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Stand your shinpads upside down for a while with the flap bent inward. After every use for a couple of weeks should do the trick. Altenatively, you can cut the flap off, tape just above the knee cap, wear your pants lower.

My pants would come a couple of inches over the top of the knee cap of the shinpad when standing, so there is little space between through most of the range of motion. Nothing worse than seeing some guy with his pants hiked up too high! :ph34r:

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i have the top of the line jofa from about 5 yrs Ago (which i believe is the 8090) i'll try the flap thing but i am thinking it might be the openin on the pants is just too small

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i had the same problem with my 8060s, i just cut the flap off completely. Fixed the problem and the pads felt much less restrictive.

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i had the same problems with my 8040s so i just bend it inward when not playing to break it in and eventually it stopped doing that, along with playing time to break it in. i also believe the tighter sock thing will work too.

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I had the same problem with my Jofa 6090 (precursor to 8090) and the tighter socks helps. I'm not a big fan of wearing extra long pants. Remember that the thigh pad needs to be in the right position for protection. Deep thigh brusies really suck!!! :(

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