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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TUUK Steel Runner etching

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I recently acquired a few pairs of old stock TUUK Holders and Steel that I was planning to resell. Some of the sets have a straight line etched into the side of the blade perpendicular to the edge. They measure 1/4" from the base of the blade.

Here's a picture of what I mean

My question is who did this to the blades and why. All I can come up with is that it was done by an equipment manager so he has a clear reference idea of when he'd want to replace the steel on the skates for optimal performance. If so, is 1/4" of an inch really the point when serious players should consider getting their blades replaced?

If someone sharpened this still past the point where it is etched, would it effect the performance? The line isn't too deep but you can definitely feel it when you run your nail across it.

Sorry if there is some clear obvious answer to this, I've just never seen it before. Thanks!

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Might be so the guy could check to see if the sharpener screwed up. He might have been getting crappy jobs and wanted a quick way to check the profile before hitting the ice and feeling his blades were off.

Might have been practice holders the shop used to train guys on and check their ability to maintain a profile correctly.

Were these pro stock/return, private owner, etc?

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I got them in a random lot with a bunch of other odds and ends. The ones that have the etching appear to be unsharpened stock holders and steel removed from skates. The seller didn't really seem to know much at all, was just looking to offload the lot as well as some other new and used parts.

It does make sense that they may have been used as some sort of point of reference holders to have around as they were obviously pulled from skates and replaced by something else.

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This was done by Bauer about 10 years ago. It was done to determine a "point of no return" for sharpening. The idea backfired and was short lived. You cannot sharpen past the scribed line as it will be difficult to get a proper hollow along contact points with the scribed line.

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Anywhere above that line and it may be hard to get a jig to hold the skate blade. However by the picture it looks like you could easily go past the line.

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Jimmy, thats a very valid point... I'll be sure to mention that when I list them on eBay. I don't know why I didn't think of that... makes perfect sense.

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Anywhere above that line and it may be hard to get a jig to hold the skate blade. However by the picture it looks like you could easily go past the line.

That is correct.

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