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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Results on my glove comparison

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I ordered all three of these gloves from an online retailer that I have made many solid purchases from. I ordered all three gloves so I could make comparisons and decide which one to buy (replacing my Vapor XX gloves).

First up: Vector 10.0

As soon as I took them out of the box I was shocked at the cuff design. I thought I would hate it but after putting them on it wasn't so bad. If you play in a league where there are tons of slashing, these gloves would be great. When I put them on with my elbow pads (Vector 10.0's as well), I didn't like how the cuff interfered with the elbow pads. I knew that during a game it would drive me nuts. The back of the hand on these gloves seems to have a little more bulk/protection than normal. These gloves are not heavy and are very, very comfortable. I loved the Pittards overlay on the palm because it adds a little extra grip to the stick, which I prefer. If it weren't for the cuff, I would have purchased these. A standard cuff would really make these gloves a keeper.

Second up: RBK9KN

A nice lightweight knit glove. Many people's thoughts on this site say the size is closer to a 15" (I ordered 14"), but they come up to the same spot on my elbows as my VaporXX's. The glove is very comfortable and since it is knit material there is no need for break-in. What I didn't like is that when I made a fist my pinky seemed to push outward, which means that the ring finger and pinky are slightly too wide for my hand size. Hence, I would not get as good of a grip with my bottom hand. Since I didn't want to cut the tags off and play in a game (I wouldn't be able to return them), I can't really comment on the padded palm. My feelings are that the thicker the palm, the more it may affect my puck feel since i'm not the greatest puck handler (I actually suck at it). If it weren't for the thick finger issue pushing my pinky outward, I would have purchased these since the price was very good.

The ones I will be keeping: Eagle x72

These were the lightest of the bunch, even noticeably so compared to the RBK. Comfortable glove, but just a hair not as comfy as the RBK. Since these have the tapered fingers, closing the hand feels perfect (this is where the RBK failed for my hand). This is a 14" glove with a minimal cuff size, and it doesn't touch my elbow pads, so there's no restriction in movement. Their new palm is really nice. These have the kangaroo pouch, which has two separate packets inside the glove and each has 2 small different density pads to customize the fit. With all pads in, the glove is quite tight, maybe even tighter than my VaporXX. I'll probably remove all the pads, or keep the softer pads in place. They are $30 more expensive than the RBK, but it's such a nice glove and the 'fit and finish' are superb. The one big item that made me say "these are the ones" is that on Sunday night I sent an e-mail to Eagle with a question about these gloves. Usually when I e-mail a company I have to wait a few days to receive a response. They replied to me on Monday (the next day). The response I received was not a quick one-liner but a detailed response to my message. The person that replied told me to contact him directly if I had any more questions. Their professionalism sealed the deal!

As a side note: the reason I didn't buy/try out the TPS R8 Lite gloves is that the two major retailers that carry them ('hg' and 'hm') pissed me off many years ago when buying from them, so I will never give them my business. It's too bad that TPS doesn't have a wider distribution because I would have loved to have given them a try.


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The R8s would have been looser than the Eagles, you might nothave liked the length either, they're a short 14"

Eagle has amazing customer service, if I could unload some of my glove collection I'd go back to eagles because of the quality.

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It must be Eagles night tonight. I use 2 different pair and though I have strayed I will not be experimenting again

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I'll add to the Eagle Customer Service reputation. Really a first class operation.

I have a pair of pro return CP94 that the pro cut all the inside padding out, and I called Eagle to see if they could 'sell' me some inside pads, and they said 'No - we'll just send you as many as you need'. 5 days later, a big padded envelope shows up at my door loaded with all shapes and sizes of inside padding.

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I bought a set of used Eagles on the board a few weeks ago. Just unloaded them today. They were the X70 model. I've held some before, but I don't live by a retailer so I never did much more than look before.

Quite displeased with them. They felt very rigid, and in the biggest size, they're still too small for me. A lot of 15" pairs won't fit me, so I guess I can't complain too much... but still, I hear wonderful things from Eagle and I can't get in on the fun :(.

Does anyone know the level of customization you can go with them? I want a 2 piece finger, extended, hinged cuff, 15" in a synthetic/nylon combination. I've played with their customizer online, but it's only colors and materials. I don't like most of the gloves on the market, my older Jofas fit the bill, but the fingers are too loose. I actually can't find any RBK gloves in person, either. My LHS has such limited selection of everything.

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I agree Eagle is the best overall company in hockey. They have great customer service, great products, and you can order custom.

I wish other companies would learn this is the why to do business.

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You forgot sticks. :lol:

It is still a small company and does not have the manufacturing capacity as the big boys. Not to mention NBH's use of mass produced Chinese products. My NBH sticks and skates say made in China.

With Eagle you can still get made in Canada.

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The big shocker in my test was the Vector 10.0 gloves. If it wasn't for the cuff, it would be a superb glove. It's not the best looking glove, but i'm not a dork that buys equipment based on looks.

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Its good to hear that the RBK's fit decent. My $46.99 9KN's (random hockeygiant.com deal) should be arriving soon. I currently use Eagles ( they are about 3 years old ) and they are super light and durable gloves, but I have terrible circulation in my feet and hands so my hands always go numb after 45 min on the ice. Im hoping the RBK's will have enough inner-padding to lock in some sweat-warmth. I really wanted the Pro-stock nylon Eagles, but my wife nixed those @ $150 lol.

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You forgot sticks. :lol:

It is still a small company and does not have the manufacturing capacity as the big boys. Not to mention NBH's use of mass produced Chinese products. My NBH sticks and skates say made in China.

With Eagle you can still get made in Canada.

Yea i noticed that the NBH products say made in china. If the products are being mass produced and sweat shop workers are doing the work, shouldnt the products be cheaper? NBH equippment seems to be more expensive then when bauer owned itself. i also have a feeling that the products are have reduced quality which is another reason why the equippment should be cheaper.

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I also agree that Eagle makes some of the best quality gloves. I've had five pairs and don't think I'll ever wear anything else. The only complaint is how the palms wear kind of fast. My last two pairs have been genuine leather and have lasted really good though.

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I hear great things about the MSH2 palm.

Yea, so have I, but Eagle recommends that you get the MSh1 overlay with it so it lasts longer.

I got MSH2 with goatskin overlay on my cp94's...No complaints here.

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Eagle gloves are very comfortable and great quality but I don't like the tradional four roll glove feel. I love an anotomically shaped gloves. (Obviouly a personal preference) My son however wears a pair of Eagles and he loves them. He's compared them to almost every glove on the market. (His hockey team has almost every manufacturer going.) The only thing that comes close to them for feel or lightness is a couple of TPS or MIA gloves, that a couple of the kids with richer parents have.

I paid forty bucks for these gloves on clearance at a LHS and to date have to say they are on of the best purchases for equipment I ever made. They where regular 90 to 100 dollars and not even top of the line. ( X 40's ) To me that says a lot about Eagle quality and value.

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SRI has said that he had a few pros use strictly the MSH2 palm on their gloves and the palms were still going strong months after use. Hopefully, he'll chime in here.

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I just got my 9kn's in the mail yesterday, they are really nice gloves, but the Miami Vice pinky is quite annoying as you stated in your review. I had purchased a pair of the Bauer Vapor Apollo's as well from Hockeygiant ($39.99), and those feel actually ready-to-go, moreso than the 9kn's. I think Ill just ebay the 9kn's since I havent used them yet.

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