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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Kovalev pro stock blades

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One of my friends told me that Olson's Source of sports have kovy pro stock blades but he was not sure...Do some of you know this store? is that true that they have kovy pro stock blades?

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After 1 week of search everywhere on the net, trying to email some Innovative stores, trying to email Innovative, I have still not find 1 of these blades. I'm a bit disapointed because it seems I can't do anything more...

Do you guys think I will have more chance to find these blades during the NHL season?

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Do you guys think I will have more chance to find these blades during the NHL season?

I doubt it, unless he switches back to them and then to another brand.

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