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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXV Stick

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So my Dolomite broke Wednesday at practice and I had to buy a new stick, couldn't decide between the vapor XXV and the RBK 7K. Well I bought the XXV and broke it today at a game. I went to hit a kid and it snapped right below my bottom hand. So now I have to wait however long it takes to get a warranty. I can't decide if I should go and buy something like a 4K to get me buy until then.

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id rather use a high end woodie than a low end OPS

What's considered a high-end woodie? Does anyone else have any experience with the xxv? I saw it at my LHS today and it seemed to be pretty light and I liked the grip too. Are there even any diffs. between this and the xxxx other than the paint and grip?

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The XXV has a different blade and is fused. I decided to buy it because of how light it was and the balance felt awesome.

What's the diff. in the blade? Does it just not have those energy transfer arcs?

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id rather use a high end woodie than a low end OPS

I've probably said that about a hundred times on here. Get youself a quality wood stick... Heck, even a one40 would be better than a 4K or one50, in my opinion.

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The XXV has a different blade and is fused. I decided to buy it because of how light it was and the balance felt awesome.

right on man im currenly using the xxv and i love it.

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I am also curious how much XXXX's are at everyone elses LHS, they were only 179.95USD at mine. There website is hockeyservices.com if anyone is interested. The XXV was 155.95.

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In response to what a "high end" wood stick would be...I would recommend a sherwood 7000 or 9950 if you can find em, or perhaps a montreal. Both companies make very good wooden shafts.

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I would not call the XXV a low-end OPS. I have picked it up in the store and it had great balance. The only difference I could feel between the XXXX and XXV was the XXXX weighed less and had slightly more balance.

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I had to read it again. He is calling the 4K a low end OPS.

In that case I would agree about buying a good wood stick over the 4K.

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