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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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77 Flex NB

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any ever use a 77 flex SR ?

I am 6'1 200 pounds

adult league player

I use a one90 102 flex cut down so its about a 115-120flex and I get zero whip

I tried flexing one of the 77 flex at the bauer I.D. station around here and it didn't seem like it would snap.

thanks in advance.

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There are plenty of people on the board who use a 77 flex (or the equivalent for other brands). While 77 may be a little too whippy for your size, it really on depends on shooting technique and personal preference. I would say go try one out if you can. If it's too whippy, you can always try out the 87 as well.

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As long as you've got the technique to use it, go for it. Some big guys can make the 77 work for them.

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it depends on how much you're gonna cut it and how much you lean into your shots, if you lean in a lot then I wouldn't go for it because its going to snap on you, but if the 102 when you cut it gives you no whip, maybe try an 87 and cut that, should give you around a 100 flex stick where as the 77 would give you around an 85-90.

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I'm 5'10" 160 and I use an Endure two-piece, 77 flex, with a 2" wood end in it. I get a good amount of flex on my slappers, I've been playing a bit of D lately, and it seems pretty solid to me. Haven't been using this shaft long, but I really like it... Like the others said, depends on your technique.

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i use a 77 flex and i'm 5'11 150lbs, and i reaslly lean into all my shots, and it really flexes for me, but then again, i like whippy flexes...the XXX-lite 77 is not the way to go though, i've gone thru 2 of those, and i rarely ever break sticks...the 77 flex One90 is durable and has a good kick 77 flex-wise, so i would recommend it only if you like whippy sticks.

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I use a Bauer Endure 77 flex and I'm 5'10" 200lb. I cut off about 3" and the flex is alittle stiffer than other sticks I've tried..prob about 85-90. Wristers and Snappers feel better than my stiffer sticks but the Slap feels about the same. I think it depends on the stick you are planning to use.

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5'10", 195lbs and I use a TPS Whip flex. For my personal playing style it works out great. 98% of the time in games I use my wrist and snap shots, and for this style and myself....the whip works out perfectly. It does have too much flex for my size and power to be effective for slap shots, but I so rarely use them during games that I am more than willing to accept this trade off.

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5'10 175lbs...and I use a Senior 77 flex.

Changes for me:

Wrister is harder, my only weapon since snap is in accurate and slap is embarrassing.

Little harder to catch hard passes, but it didnt take long to adjust

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I went from an 87 flex Vapor XX to a 77 flex Bauer Endure (which is really more like an 85-90 flex) to a Mission L-2 75 flex. I've found the whippier the stick, the more speed and quicker release on my shot, but my accuracy goes down as well. So for me it's a trade off, but now I can't shoot with anything other than a noodle...

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im the same size as the OP and i've always preferred 75-85 flex sticks. i do feel like i can get a bit more control on my slapshots with a stiff flex, but the release is a lot better with a whippy stick.

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thanks for all the help guys

i like to use all shots.

i'm hoping this is a success.

i'm going to try out an 87 flex one70 tommorow night at pick up.

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