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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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LMAO, 'It's like an Alarm Clock!'

Anyone else notice that Bubb Rubb and Lil Sis are now on video Driving Recklessly, AND running a Stop Sign?

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Yeah, but it's not like they gave us their real names. I mean, there is no way that those could possibly be their real names. They can't be their real names. I don't think those are their real names. Are those their real names?

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Breaking new grounds There, Copernicus

Might wanna lay off the Coffee for a while

They don't need real names, just the unedited tape with their Lic. Plate.

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I'm Sure there's more Video than what was Aired, and you'd be amazed what one can do with a computer, Socrates. (So krates, not Sock Ra Teez. LOL)

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We're going from astronomers to philosophers? Alright, Mr. Descartes (one of my favorites)...unfortunately, we can't be sure if there is more video, and I'm relatively technologically illiterate, so the lengths to which computers can go are unknown to me. I'm also unsure as to why you insist on initially capitalizing random words... ;)

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Emphasis. And obviously a camera guy will have a lot more video than what is aired, Ergo I said UNedited. I'm sure the conversation went on for longer than what was shown, and they just cut the important (and Hilarious) parts. Sure would like to see the whole thing. Hawking does some good shit too. Wasn't he supposed to get a ride in the Vomit Comet a while ago? That'd be some good video too.

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LMAO, 'It's like an Alarm Clock!'

Anyone else notice that Bubb Rubb and Lil Sis are now on video Driving Recklessly, AND running a Stop Sign?

Seriously, for a second I was like, "Are they on a closed lot...nope...that's road...stop sign...wow..."

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