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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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No Country for Old Men

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watched the movie tonight. Great movie, hated the ending at first but read this whole topic and it all clicks a lot more. I laughed a lot during the movie because of Anton and his dry personality. Also, whenever Moss came into the clothing store with just an overcoat and and his underwear on and the shopkeep asked "how them larrys working for ya"

someone mentioned that Ed Tom got paid off by Anton. No way at all, Ed Tom's character stood for Justice and all that.

What exactly is on Anton's guns? I mean is a silencer from that time period? They are huge! I love the cattle killer gun and found it awesome when Moss got hit in the chest with the lock. haha.

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"How them Larrys treating you?" or whatever he said killed me.

Next up for me is The Mist, which I held off on as it looked like The Fog plus every other Stephen King movie seems to suck and I liked 1408. I heard it's right up there with Shawshank, though obviously on the other end of the spectrum.

Peeped "The Mist" tonight and it's decent. Kind of SciFi Channel and not in a good way. Redeemed itself in the end, though.

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The ending was a little too over the top for me and the dialogue rubbed me the wrong way (like people still not believing and thinking they're being taken advantage of when there are creatures outside). It does make you wonder what you would do in a situation like that though

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I still can't really decide what I thought of The Mist. The movie definitely held my attention, though most of it was a bit predictable and the acting left a lot to be desired. Twisted flick, for sure. I appreciated the commentary on social function and religion...

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Peeped "The Mist" tonight and it's decent. Kind of SciFi Channel and not in a good way. Redeemed itself in the end, though.

10 minutes into that movie, myself and my friends started doing tequila shots. And that was totally unplanned, but we decided it might have been needed to get through it. And now the movie is just a blur, but I do recall numerous strange death scenes, a really dumb kid, and bugs, though I cannot picture what kind of bugs. Just myself going "I FUCKING HATE BUGS".

Steven King is normally very hit or miss but for some reason I actually want to watch this movie again and give it another shot.

However, nothing will ever top "The Langoliers". Maybe its because I watched that when I was very young, but it will forever freak me out.

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Steven King is normally very hit or miss but for some reason I actually want to watch this movie again and give it another shot.

Of Jager!

You're right, it wasn't "The Shining" but for a throwaway popcorn flick, it was decent.

And +1 for seeing The Shermanator get ate.

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The ending was a little too over the top for me and the dialogue rubbed me the wrong way

Even in Stephen King movies that were decent, his dialogue is always horrid.

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