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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Macs or PCs

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I was thinking about gettin a new computer. My sister has a compaq with a nice flat screen and my old computer was an imac. I was wondering what I should get because I like both of them.

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pc. if u want to build a custom one, go to www.ncix.com thats where i just built mine. got it shipped here in less than a week.

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Wheres Vapor to argue the pros of a Mac? :lol:

I'd go with the PC. I just got a Dell XPS and couldnt be happier. Theres nothing i dislike about it.

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I leave my PC, with XP on it, for multiple days at a time. No problems. It is based off of NT, which was always more stable than 95/98.

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iTunes is available for the PC. Macs perform really well for manipulation and editing of video and pictures.

I know, I was being sarcastic. As far as video editing/manipulation even desktop publishing the PC is just as good or even better than a Mac these days. The days when mac ruled the DP game were over about 10 years ago...

My wife is a graphic designer and nearly peed her pants when she got the chance to switch to a PC platform recently after suffering with Macs for years.

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iTunes is available for the PC.  Macs perform really well for manipulation and editing of video and pictures.

I know, I was being sarcastic. As far as video editing/manipulation even desktop publishing the PC is just as good or even better than a Mac these days. The days when mac ruled the DP game were over about 10 years ago...

My wife is a graphic designer and nearly peed her pants when she got the chance to switch to a PC platform recently after suffering with Macs for years.

I dont know who your talking to, but that one made me laugh. There is no way that a pc can stack up to a mac in music/photo/video editing, it just cant. And if you compare the crappy nt kernal or windows xp to the unix core of OS X as in terms of stability, well, I mean, come on, stop. Any software you use on a pc, you can either use (via an emulator) at the same speed you run it on your crappy pc which crashes every 5, 10 minutes, or you can find an equal or better program. With a mac, everything... just... WORKS. I plug in my digital camera, I get the photos, I am not drudging threw 5 rubbermade bins looking for that one floresent green compact disc which is scratched so I cant get the drivers for my camera. OS X is more stable then XP, it is a much more clean operating system, there is no bloated coade, and THERE ARE NO VIRI OR SPYWARE! There have been over 4000 security flaws in XP, in OS X... 2. Buy a PC, have it crash, have spyware, have viri, have crappy code. Like I care. ACTUALLY, get a pc, the less people who own a mac the better. That means that virus writters wont waste there time on macs, because NOBODY USES THEM.

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If you're going to go PC, stay away from Gateway. We bought two computers from there within three months. Why? Because they had good reviews, but more importantly, there was a Gateway shop in town that could easily help us with any problems we came across. That was the selling point. Now that the Gateway retail shops are shut down, we're SOL. Both of the computers crash constantly. I'm not a computer genious so I don't know too much about whats going on, but its crap that they can't even make it a year without being really messed up. Hell the laptop we bought wouldn't even turn on. Their amazing customer service we received in store is not duplicated over the phone. So stay clear from Gateway, unless you like dealing with assholes over the phone.

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Dont blame the crashing on gateway. I believe Micro$oft touts that as one of their features. XP is still very crasholishish. Apple stores all around the world are still up and running :)

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I don't blame the crashing on Gateway, I'm just pissed off because they shut down their stores. I will say this Vapor, we had Apples for years and really liked them. Having their store in town makes their products much more appealing.

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If your on a budget, and in the market for a new computer, check out the emacs, they cost about 800 bucks for a top of the line computer (they are the old imacs, style wise, but in a much more appealing white color), they are really nice computers.

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Gateway stores don't provide much service. All they do is main in the computer. It's just a front for their main store.

I would only buy a Mac if I had to buy a laptop. There's a reason why Windows code is so bloated, because it's more versatile which makes it more portable. Is Windows as good of an OS as what Mac provides? No. But Unix is better.

And Vapor... have you used a camera on a PC lately? All I have to do is plug it in and it's instantly recognized and downloaded. iPhoto isn't the only good photo program. More people use PCs because more people code for PCs. And that's because of the bloated software and easy portability. Yes, there is spyware and more viruses, but guess what? There's software programs to stop them. Mac's are for people who like to spend more money on something that does a lot less.

IMO, UNIX is the best operating system, but not the best for regular computer users.

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If my caveman ass can get some help, if I got Unix will it keep all my saved stuff? My little brother runs it and it was goofy at first but seemed decent enough of an O/S.

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Not all camera drivers are included in windows xp. I have had to isntall plenty of drivers to my xp machine. Of course there are programs to stop spyware and viri, but do they work? I have installed spybot, adaware bazooka joe, norton and avg on my girlfriends computer, she still has one of the worst computing experiences I have ever had. Thats like saying, sure, you can get cancer from smoking, but theres kemo. I wouldnt say that macs do much less, they can do ANYTHING that a pc can do, name one thing you cannot do on a mac that you can on a pc

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If my caveman ass can get some help, if I got Unix will it keep all my saved stuff? My little brother runs it and it was goofy at first but seemed decent enough of an O/S.

Is he using Linux? If not, what verson of unix is he running, and what computer is he running it on?

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If my caveman ass can get some help, if I got Unix will it keep all my saved stuff?  My little brother runs it and it was goofy at first but seemed decent enough of an O/S.

Is he using Linux? If not, what verson of unix is he running, and what computer is he running it on?

Yeah, Linux, that's what I meant. He's running it on some home-made beast he has.

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i don't understand why people say macs have better image editing capabilities. at my school, they have top of the line g4's and g5's running photoshop and they can even touch my computer (also running photoshop) in terms of speed. as for OS stability, my computer hasn't crashed once (runnin XP) and as for drivers, everything that i've used with my computer or added to it (memory, HD, TV-out card, Video card, DVD, CD-RW, MP3 players, camera) i've only had to put in drivers for the video card.

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linux is GREAT. But... its not easy. It is VERY stable, and it is, best of all, open source, which means the code is public, so anybody can do what they want with it. Its not like windows at all though, you dont just install a program, you have to compile lists, theres a lot of code involved with linux. Like OS X, there is a terminal (very similar to MS Command Promp) where you write the commands. I would suggest (if you are good at the cmd) buying a book to get the unix eqivilents for some of the commands. It can be very confusing, but if you are in the computer field, and know linux, it is defiantley a plus.

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