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Supreme 50 Gloves

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I am looking to order some Nike Bauer Supreme 50 Hockey Gloves but am having trouble deciding what size I need. I have heard that these gloves fit tighter than normal gloves and am not sure if I should go a size up from what I am using now. I am currently using a 12" CCM 492 tacks glove. The CCM's fit fine but I am concerned with the tighter fit on the Bauers. Unfortunately there are no shops close enough to me that I can go try some on. Any advice?

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Thanks for the reply. What is the best way to measure to figure out your glove size?

Try them on, otherwise it's just a blind guess. Sizing varies so much on gloves anymore that it's hard to compare based simply on the number of inches printed on the glove. Add to that the differences in finger length and hand width and very few gloves fit the same as others.

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Thanks for the reply. What is the best way to measure to figure out your glove size?

Try them on, otherwise it's just a blind guess. Sizing varies so much on gloves anymore that it's hard to compare based simply on the number of inches printed on the glove. Add to that the differences in finger length and hand width and very few gloves fit the same as others.

Aye, My hands don't fit in many gloves at all. A 15" RBK vs. Easton vs. CCM fit radically different, even from glove to glove in the same company, and depending on which version of the glove you have.

Your best bet is to try on a pair at the LHS you're going to buy them from. Other than that, you can try on a friend's pair of similar gloves (One 70/90 fit similarly in length) or bite the bullet, order online and return them for another size if they don't fit.

Are you sure you even like the glove? Going from a traditional CCM glove to the One*0 series changes the entire fit of the glove. My hands swim in my traditional rolled Jofas and I feel way too constricted in the Supreme series. The only NBH glove that I like is the 4 roll, which is a more traditional glove with slimmer, springy fingers.

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NBH typically have slightly longer fingers than a THC glove. I can't wear a 14" glove(prefered for mobility) over a 15" but in THC gloves I'm limited to 15"

There's going to be a big difference in fit between your Tacks to the (new)Supremes. You might want to consider the 4-roll if you're looking at NBH.

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I actually want something with a tighter fit than my current CCM's. Thats why I was looking into the supreme series because I heard they fit tighter.

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They do fight tighter. For me, they fit the same as a regular glove. I also need to take them off like normal gloves, pulling from the fingers, very annoying for me.

What exactly do you want to have fit tighter? The NBH 4-rolls have pretty tight fingers for being a bulky glove. If you just want a tighter palm, you might need to go down a size and find a longer finger glove, or sacrifice having your entire finger between the gussets.

I found the Vapor line to be slightly slimmer than RBK/CCM/Easton while not being a stretch fit, but I really didn't like the overall triangular shape with the flared cuff (I've seen some pros tape the wrist tighter).

You need to go try the glove on. Is there any way you can do that? Buying gloves from someone telling you that they fit slim and true to length isn't the best idea.

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I should of been more clear with what I am looking for..I apologize. First off I am a woman and of course the fit with gloves is going to be different for me than it would with you guys. I was looking for something that would fit tighter on my palm, fingers, and have a smaller cuff. Right now with my CCM's the length is fine but they are big and bulky on my hands. I am used to playing with cheap gloves like my current CCM 492 tacks and I think anything is going to be an upgrade over what I am using now. So if anyone knows of a good glove for a woman please let me know.

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I should of been more clear with what I am looking for..I apologize. First off I am a woman and of course the fit with gloves is going to be different for me than it would with you guys. I was looking for something that would fit tighter on my palm, fingers, and have a smaller cuff. Right now with my CCM's the length is fine but they are big and bulky on my hands. I am used to playing with cheap gloves like my current CCM 492 tacks and I think anything is going to be an upgrade over what I am using now. So if anyone knows of a good glove for a woman please let me know.

Women generally have longer fingers and smaller palms than men and that causes major problems when trying to properly fit gloves. I strongly suggest trying on as many gloves as possible. The NBH Supreme is where I would start as they tend to fit more snugly through the fingers.

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Start with the Supremes, if those are too tight try out the vapor XV and XX if they're around.

You do want to try on as many different gloves as you can, but at least you have a starting point.

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So I finally got a pair of the 12" supreme 50 gloves, but I have another question. Should my finger tips be touching the end of these gloves? They make the material stick out a little bit at the end. The rest of the glove fits perfect. I would go a size up but I am worried about the length if I go up to a 13". The 12" fit perfectly right to the beginning of my elbow pad so there really isn't any gap. I am worried that if I go to a 13" it will overlap the elbow pad to much.

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I just got some warrior gloves and i love them. I had to go down a size from a 12 to an 11. I am a tiny woman also but i love being in jr size. It's a bit cheaper than a senior.

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