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Pro Stock Stealth CNT

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Hello, I'm new here, but wanted to know if anyone knew any place online etc that I could find a Pro Stock Stealth CNT Grip or Non Grip Right handed. Looking for forsbergish type curve, or a small heel curve. Any help would be great. Thanks in Advance!

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dig around in ebay. they are in there a lot. also unless you have your heart set on a pro stock.. you might want to just grab a retail forsberg somewhere. the CNT's are very reasonably priced now.

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Hey, yeah I know, I work at a shop in Jersey, the only problem is the shaft on the retail ones are too boxy for me. I had some pro stocks that were more rounded, but have since broken them. Thanks anyway :)

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  NJDfan said:

Hey, yeah I know, I work at a shop in Jersey, the only problem is the shaft on the retail ones are too boxy for me. I had some pro stocks that were more rounded, but have since broken them. Thanks anyway :)

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yah I had a pro stock that was more rounded as well, not concave like the retail but now that I'm used to the retails, I like them just the same.

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For what it's worth there is a place out in AZ that has some Milan Heyduke RT's. However they are more of a mid toe curve and about a 7 lie.

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How boxy is it exactly? I have a tps adrenaline, is it boxy the same way? I like the response armor shape but not the adrenaline. Any thoughts...

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  Dougie8 said:

The CNT is a concave shaft, so it has squared corners.

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I know that, but how similar are we talking? The Adrenaline calls itself "extreme concave" and is downright annoying to hold at times.

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Crap! I'm disappointed to hear that. I guess then I will avoid them like the plague. Thank you for the info, TBLFan, you da man:) BTW, I changed my mind, I do like my Synergy st, except I hate the heatley curve and 100 is too stiff for me.

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Hattricks-hockey.com - This guy (or those guy, afaik its an one man show) posts on MSH when he has time on his hands and offers nice pro stock items. Mostly Cali stuff from the Ducks or the Kings. At the moment he has pro stock S17 sticks up for grabs.

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