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RBK Protective: 9k vs 6k

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I am just wondering if you guys can provide me with some pros/cons of the two sets. I am considering getting either one and the price differences is surprisingly not THAT big (about 40-50 bucks). I was mainly wondering if the 6k would be a lot less bulky than the 9K's and also whether the protectiveness would be that big of a difference between the two sets.


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I am just wondering if you guys can provide me with some pros/cons of the two sets. I am considering getting either one and the price differences is surprisingly not THAT big (about 40-50 bucks). I was mainly wondering if the 6k would be a lot less bulky than the 9K's and also whether the protectiveness would be that big of a difference between the two sets.


Sets of what?

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what type of hockey are you playing? 9k is pretty overkill for an adult rec league.

I've been using the 9k pant/girdle hybrid thing for almost a month, and I can say they are THE most mobile and best fitting pant I've ever used, and I've been playing for almost 20 years.

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I am currently just playing adults rec...but might play some full-contact hockey when going back to Asia to play at the national/regional level...

I tried some 6K on today...feels quite comfortable...but the shins seems to be way wider than the One90 shins...

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what type of hockey are you playing? 9k is pretty overkill for an adult rec league.

I've been using the 9k pant/girdle hybrid thing for almost a month, and I can say they are THE most mobile and best fitting pant I've ever used, and I've been playing for almost 20 years.

While I don't have experience with the 9k pants, I have tried the shins and elbows and they were pretty bulky compared to the 6k. It's more protective, I won't argue that. But again I said for an adult rec league, it's a little overkill. But if you want protection, go for the 9k. I even went lower and went with the 5k's because I didn't need such a protective pad. And so far in the 2 years I've been using it, I haven't had any issues.

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I've been using the 9k pant/girdle hybrid thing for almost a month, and I can say they are THE most mobile and best fitting pant I've ever used, and I've been playing for almost 20 years.

You think you could fit a padded shell over it and still have the mobility?

I even went lower and went with the 5k's because I didn't need such a protective pad. And so far in the 2 years I've been using it, I haven't had any issues.

I did the same thing. I feel like the 5ks are 9k-lite. Same basic design with a little less. It has suited my play well and I've had no problems either.

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I've been using the 9k pant/girdle hybrid thing for almost a month, and I can say they are THE most mobile and best fitting pant I've ever used, and I've been playing for almost 20 years.

You think you could fit a padded shell over it and still have the mobility?

I even went lower and went with the 5k's because I didn't need such a protective pad. And so far in the 2 years I've been using it, I haven't had any issues.

I did the same thing. I feel like the 5ks are 9k-lite. Same basic design with a little less. It has suited my play well and I've had no problems either.

Not sure about the padded shell thing, but I'd guess you could since you can take off as much of the padding on the girdle of the 9k pants that you want.

For practice I take off the front quad pads and I can't tell that I'm even wearing breezers. Even w/ all of the padding on the girdle the level of adjustment that the 9k offers WILL make them fit you perfectly. You can not only adjust the width, but also length of the pads.

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I have the 9k shoulder pads (picked them up near-mint at Play it Again for $30) and I feel like a linebacker in them! I wanted something with plenty of chest protection since I play mostly D and I was afraid for my life blocking shots with my old Sher-Wood PMP5030 pads. They fit so good through the chest and have a ton of rib protection, but those shoulder caps are freakin' massive. They could easily double as football pads. Good protection if you don't mind the bulk.

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So putting aside $$ and protection, will the 9k actually hinder performance (compared to the 6k and 5k)?

As far as the pants go, not even close. 9k will be a more mobile pant.

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Sorry guys, but I am not considering the pants at all...just the protectives...I have been using my shins, elbow, shoulders (FLAK and COOPER) for like 8 years... time to upgrade...and I want to take advantage of the complete set packages available at hockeymonkey...

Am considering the

-RBK 9k, 6K

-Easton S9 (actually they can be bought for extremely good deals right now!)

-Bauer Supreme 90's

I am a beer leaguer/drop-in player regularly but will probably play in full contact tournaments back in Asia. I don't mind spending a little extra to get the best equipment...just don't want to get a set that is super bulky as I am a speed/power forward (or so I want to be haha).

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