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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mozilla Firefox

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I downloaded Mozilla Firefox because I've heard lots about it being leaps and bounds ahead of IE. It installed and I transfered over my favorites and stuff. The browser opens up and everything but when I type in an address or try to access anysite it says "The connection was refused when trying to contact <website>". Anyone know what the problem is?

Also, when I try and run another program, after I extract the files and click the icon it says "Component comdlg32.ocx or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid"

How could I fix that as well?

If you can help with either, I appreciate it. Thanks!

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Also, when I try and run another program, after I extract the files and click the icon it says "Component comdlg32.ocx or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid"

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Try rebooting and reinstalling while no other programs are running.

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I've installed it on 5 of my computers with no problems, not sure what it could be. Have you looked on the mozilla site for help?

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  JR Boucicaut said:
LOL that's what i use.
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I tried that theme and it locked up on my pc, now I can't access the menus or right click on anything. Great theme, I can't even uninstall the damn thing.

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you guys hafta get the extensions. there's this one called like.. gesture0.11 or something, and now i can close the window and like.. go backwards by holding right click and scribbling on the screen. its awesome

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