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Britney Spears

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I don't know what the age of consent is in America but here in Canada its 14 so it'd be perfectly legal for this 40 yr old to be reemin out a 16 yr old.

State laws vary, and while I don't know them all I find it hard to believe it is legal in any US state. I also suspect that Canadian law isn't quite as liberal as you think.

I thought that age of consent was only if the partner was under 18...a 14F and an 18+M...the 18+ is still facing Statutory Rape charges...even if she consented.

At least that's what my lawyer told me.


btw...what does this have to do with Britney?

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Ok, back on topic for Gaga:


American TV station Fox News say that a 30-minute video of the singer was posted on the web yesterday.

The raunchy footage is said to show a shaven-headed Britney performing sex acts on two women and a male companion.

During the video, the Toxic star is said to look dazed and consumes alcohol and "what appears to be cocaine and marijuana".

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Yes, she really does have emotional and mental disorders. I know the late night comedians make fun of her, but she is sick.

She obviously has substance issues and that probably is fueled by post partem depression or bi-polar disorder. Add that to her early fame and she'll be lucky to make it to 40.

I have a sibling who is bi-polar, and thank GOD she's not famous.

Britney should, however hand over the keys to her world for awhile. She's in no shape to drive that bus.

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Britney should, however hand over the keys to her world for awhile. She's in no shape to drive that bus.

And my, how quickly that tour bus got traded in for coke and a short bus, golly.

Though I can't believe people care about the ongoings of a once-famous person, the Sun mag that has the sex tape article apparently does live mobile phone updates as well. As if hearing Britney has a sex tape an hour before all of your high-school girlfriends is so important.

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Britney should, however hand over the keys to her world for awhile. She's in no shape to drive that bus.

And my, how quickly that tour bus got traded in for coke and a short bus, golly.

Though I can't believe people care about the ongoings of a once-famous person, the Sun mag that has the sex tape article apparently does live mobile phone updates as well. As if hearing Britney has a sex tape an hour before all of your high-school girlfriends is so important.

"once famous" = Always famous.

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Did they get a good look at her FUPA??

Completely agree.....2 years ago...HOTTT. Now....sounds like a desperate cry for help, added publicity, and yet another silly excuse for the papparatzi (spelling??) to follow her for future antics.

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Did they get a good look at her FUPA??

Completely agree.....2 years ago...HOTTT. Now....sounds like a desperate cry for help, added publicity, and yet another silly excuse for the papparatzi (spelling??) to follow her for future antics.

Spears and her paparazzi boyfriend Adnan Ghalib

Talk about sleeping with the enemy. Or, as you say...an easy way to make sure all the right (and wrong) pictures get out there.

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I bet her labia look like an apron.

That's one of the funniest things I've read in a while. Thankfully as I was drinking some water I was able to avoid the computer.

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Ugh, I just got emailed the pics of her out showing off how proud she is to be on the rag. My eyes have divorced me.

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Yeah so everyday is becoming more and more interesting. I hope she really stays at the hospital to get help. It seems like everything in her life has to be on camera and i think that's a problem in itself.

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Well today she was readmitted to UCLA medical center as a gravely disabled patient meaning that she is unable to take care of her basic needs. This gives them the right to involuntarily institutionalize her. Wonder if the paparazzi can get into the padded room?

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I'll send her a gift basket full of sleeping pills, rope, razor blades and Twinkies. She looks like she could eat.

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