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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick Advice

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hey, im going to montreal in a week or so and i am looking to buy a stick, if i cant find one there then i am just going to buy one online, now the question is, i dont know what stick would suit me best, i am about 5'10 and fairly skinny at about 135 pounds, i am not looking to spend too much more over 150$, but i want a durable stick because the past couple of years ive had really bad luck with sticks breaking, any ideas?

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People are going to blow up at you if you post a lot of new threads without searching through old ones first. But like the guy above said, with your weight and size, and wanting of durability, an intermediate Easton ST or One90 are probably your safest bets. The ST is probably going to have more flex than the NBH stick. I dunno what it is, but my 77 flex Vapor XXX just doesn't move at all. My 100 flex Easton ST grip flexes more than it.

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I'll vouch for the ST as well. I'm roughly your size and the stick has held up very well for me through two seasons so far.

Good luck and welcome to the forums.

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1. What flex do you use now?

1a. What do you like/dislike about that flex?

2. What brands/models have you used lately?

2a. What did you like/dislike about those models?

As I understand your criteria.

1. Price (under $150 CDN)

2. Durability

3. everything else

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hey, im going to montreal in a week or so and i am looking to buy a stick, if i cant find one there then i am just going to buy one online, now the question is, i dont know what stick would suit me best, i am about 5'10 and fairly skinny at about 135 pounds, i am not looking to spend too much more over 150$, but i want a durable stick because the past couple of years ive had really bad luck with sticks breaking, any ideas?

A really good quality stick thats under 150$ is the sherwood rm9 theyre nice and whippy and they're the highest model sher-wood supplies to stores. I tried out my buddies and I really liked it

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its all about the feeling of the stick for me.

Try as many as you can, you'll see!

what kind of money are you interested in putting into a stick?

where in Montreal are you going?

I can prolly suggest you a few stores...

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Are you looking at OPS or two piece?

If OPS I agree with the consensus.

Two piece? I would look at the One90 shaft. The 77 flex on the sr is quite whippy, but I find it the easiest to get off a good slapper with such a flex. The also have an int 67 flex. The shaft has been a tank, and you can use whatever standard blade/curve patter you want.

I like being able to test a curve with a two piece to see how it will work for me. Then I go get a one piece of that curve I like.

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its all about the feeling of the stick for me.

Try as many as you can, you'll see!

what kind of money are you interested in putting into a stick?

where in Montreal are you going?

I can prolly suggest you a few stores...

rousseau sports are always really good in montreal. I used to live their and the're was a one as big as costco... cant remember where exactly.

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The largest Rousseau's outlet in Montreal is actually in Laval, on the 440, just East of the 13 - stay on the service road and it is the next right after the Petro-Can station. About the best deal they have on right now is $120 for Ballistik 45 and a few Missions. They have some RBK 5K shafts on for a god price too. Given your size, you might like the shaft on the 5k and the Sherwood RM9 - thye have smaller, rounded shafts. They have a couple of the Ballistiks in 80 flex, but Ballistiks tend to flex stiffer than stated, so even the 80 might be a bit stiff for you unless you prefer stiffer shaft flex.

I would also strongly suggest Fraser Sports, on Dungani, just off Sources - better gang to deal with all-around, IMO.

There is also a Hockey Experts in the shopping area off the 13 and Samson - it is close to Rouseaus, so you can do a little comparative shopping - they usually have some really good deals on sticks, and they have a testing area where you can try them out.

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As of being the exact same size as you, and I'm guessing around the same age I'd go with an 85 flex CNT stealth, if you're right handed there are some killer deals for around 150 on ebay, and i bought two sticks from there, and i'm rough on my sticks and being as skinny as I am no breaks yet through around 10 games, probably will last me a while, blade is nice and stiff too.


and i think there is a lefty drury on there too, the guy ships pretty quick took him 6 buisness days to get to alberta and that was 15 days before christmas

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I would suggest the CCNikestonarrior StealctorPSickick

Definately need a Whip-extra stiff flex in a 4-7.9 lie with a right handed left shot

Wow man, sick joke.

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As of being the exact same size as you, and I'm guessing around the same age I'd go with an 85 flex CNT stealth, if you're right handed there are some killer deals for around 150 on ebay, and i bought two sticks from there, and i'm rough on my sticks and being as skinny as I am no breaks yet through around 10 games, probably will last me a while, blade is nice and stiff too.


and i think there is a lefty drury on there too, the guy ships pretty quick took him 6 buisness days to get to alberta and that was 15 days before christmas

i was taking a look at those earlier actually, but i decided i would wait and see if i could get anything in montreal maybe like and older model on for cheap like the st for instance , thanks for everyones help

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