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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wild sold to Former Preds Owner....?

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Is it just me or did that come outta the middle of nowhere?

Most real business deals do. The ones you hear about constantly rarely seem to happen.

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Don't think It was the middle of nowhere. It has been rumored the wild were being sold on there message board for some time now.

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I'm really surprised. Why sell now? Wait until after they've won a cup in a few years, after their value is up 35%. Selling out every home game ever, I can't imagine that isn't a profitable franchise...

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I'm really surprised. Why sell now? Wait until after they've won a cup in a few years, after their value is up 35%. Selling out every home game ever, I can't imagine that isn't a profitable franchise...

I can't find the source right now, but in past discussions, I heard that he bought/started the franchise at around 20 million... and just sold for 260 million. I'd say that's a pretty good increase.

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