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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need a T-Shirt idea

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I need/want to come up with a great shirt to wear for a Mardi Gras night at a bar. I've only been able to come up with a couple on my own, but just curious to hear some of the stuff you guys can come up with. My ideas are..

"Hi, You'll Do"


"Nice Rack, Where'd You Shoot Them At?" (Yes, it's redneck, but that's the motif around these parts)

Something along those lines. A friend of mine already took the obvious, Skin to Win, so that one's out.

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I went the high route my last mardi gras party and made my own shirt with a hand with only the pointer and middle finger pointing up saying 2 tickets to paradise, Cant remember where I saw it but it got quite the response. If I had a camera I would take a picture of it for you maybe later this week I can.

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Are you trying for sexually suggestive or just general humor?

A few of my tees from The Fitch:

"I'd Do Me"

"I'm Easy"

"Yawn So I Can See If You're The One"

"My Girlfriend's Sick In Bed"

"I'm Kind Of a Big Deal"

"Make Love, Not Babies"

"Dewer & Runn, Attorneys at Law" - inside: "We Want Prenup"

"Scientology is Risky Business"

"In My Defense, I Don't Remember Any of It"

etc., etc...you get the idea.

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Sexually suggestive is always good...but something along the lines of getting chicks to EARN their beads.

I like the two tickets idea.. but I think I'd change it to.. Two Pickets to Tittsburgh.

And maybe on the back, the old Chappele line, 'The Milk's Gone Bad!'

It's all about the boobs. There's also the classic, I (heart) Boobs

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Okay, just got word, Mardi Gras night is in a couple weeks..So I should get my shirt made up sometime next week. There are not as many good ideas as I thought you guys would have come up with. Let's get them creative juices flowing. So far in the lead is '2 Pickets to Titsburgh Please' and 'Hi, You'll Do' either a close second, or possibly a front/back combo. Let's get some more ideas out there before Friday. Thanks guys. I icon12.gif Boobs

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"Save the Whales..."

(Underneath that in smaller type)

"...but first, have sex with a shy, romantic guy in a 'Save the Whales' t-shirt"

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