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PreGame yell!

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Hy everybody!

I was just wondering what your team yells when you hudle up around the goal before a game? I play hockey in Bern - Switzerland. It seems funny but all the opponent teams we play against yell the same thing before a game ;) ( comon boys - let's go) ;) . maybe they all have some lack of imagination???

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We mix it up, Vagine (like how Borat says it), kill em, purple monkey dishwasher and sometimes Camel Toe which is our team name. ;)

Willkommen zu Modsquad!

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I play first line center for our team, and I'm always the first guy to line up. As I am pretty much the "Yahoo Guys" stunt double......I do the old TV commercial "YYYAAAAAHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOO" It sounds identical and I usually either get the look of "wow" or "who is this asshole"? :P

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lets have fun!

other teams just cant understand why we laugh during tournaments, while they keep screaming at each other to get the puck... everytime we let a goal in, we just laugh it off... seems to work for us, most tournaments we end up in the top 4.

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My team has a pretty long chant which has been the talk of the league for the past 2 seasons. It starts with either the coach or myself shouting the first 4 lines and then the whole team shouts the last line.

Last season a player for the opposite team came up to us after the game and asked us what we shouted around the net to which we replied, "sorry, team secert". Looking a bit bemused the guy then asked, "we'll can you at least tell me which language it is in" :lol:

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Who wants some?

I want some!

Who wants some?

I want some!

Get some one 3...1 2 3


Odd, I know. It was started last year by a senior.

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Ummm... no. Can't say I've ever been involved in coordinated team yelling.

But I have yelled once. A buddy of ours on another team came into our locker room and gave us sh*t. As we were leaving the room I was yelling that we go double digits on the bastards. Must have worked because I scored two goals in the first 5 minutes and then the hat trick goal with about 5:00 to go as we racked up 12 goals. I'm not a ra ra guy and that's the only time I've ever done a pre-game hype up type of thing. I usually just roll my eyes at that kind of stuff.

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Captain: what time is it?!

Team: game time!

Captain: what time is it?!

Team: game time!

Captain: how do we like our pusssaaayyy?!

Team: raw! raw! raw!

Whole team: 3, 2, 1, O.P!

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well since i started this topic I suppose i should tell you guys what we boys yell over here in bern!

Me: Who Rocks The Pigs

Team: Ninetysix

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Courtesy of Team America.

We dont actually say that but it would be funny.

But my team is actually called "Brown Guys" which is kinda retarded seeing we have more asians now and of course our 2 white friends.

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For a while we would mix it up like this:

If the opponents team name is the dragons - we'd yell 123 Slayers

If the opponents team name is the panthers - we'd yell 123 Poachers

If the opponents team name is the Militia - we'd yell Peace on Earth.

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One time in field lacrosse we tried the 300 but with 'raiders' instead of 'spartans'

Captain: RAIDERS! What is your profession?!


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