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Forsberg on ice with MODO.

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I don't understand what can be different now from when he left the ice in pain when he was preparing to play in the Karjala Cup not long ago. I hope this really works this time, but I'll believe it when I see it. The optimistic statements are puzzling, though.

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I'm not optimistic either, he basically has only a month to return to the NHL. I highly doubt anyone except a desperate team will even consider taking a chance on him.

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I'm not optimistic either, he basically has only a month to return to the NHL. I highly doubt anyone except a desperate team will even consider taking a chance on him.

you clearly dont read much do you? put aside all the rumored teams talked about, philly has openly said they would sign him, and about the whole he has a month to return, again, read a little, hes feeling good and right now it appears hes going to test his ankle in the "swedish spengler cup" feb 7-10 and if hes good there he'll be good to go, i know i just ranted a lot, i just hate when people put him down without knowing anything thats going on, have a valid reason that relate to whats going on with him currently

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Anyone in this thread can mark my words. Peter will be in the Philadelphia Flyers line up by Valentines day. I also feel a move up from with one of the flyers younger guy to land a big name d man at the deadline. Possibly maybe I think you can see Upshall go or maybe another younger guy.

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there should be some sort of rule against all these players sitting out most of the season then coming back. I liked watching Forsburg play but him Selanne, and Scott all need to commit to there teams and not bump players that have been playing all year because they feel like coming out of retirement all the time.

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He was on swedish tv today and on one foot he had Vapor XXX and the other Vapor XXXX.

He said he is not to surre about the spengler cup fore team sweden.

Oooh :(

That doesn't sound encouraging if he is already switching skates...he said he wasn't coming back unless he could be at "his" playing level.

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there were so many mixed reports yesterday, eklund started off saying hes still feeling better and even reported nyr as the team who has the best chance to sign him, then he reported that he heard that he may announce hes retiring, then tsn announced that forsberg gave his agent permission to talk to nhl teams, which he wouldnt ever do if he felt doubtful, now tsn is saying today that he told modo hes not signing with them cause he wants to sign with an nhl team, i tihnk someone here said forsberg said he wont play in the swedish spengler, but when i looked for where that was said i couldnt find it, kimmo timmonen translated the interview he did with the swedish newspaper and all he said was hes feeling better and wants to play in the nhl, everything points to eklunds source who told him forsberg will retire being wrong, anyway, i guess we'll have to see, but personally i dont think tsn reports things if their just rumors

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Well Eklund is full of shit, always has been.

As far as forsberg goes, his agent said he will only come back to the NHL if he feels he can play beyond this year, he wants to play next season too.

I believe the roster deadline is Feb 26th, same as the trade deadline, so if he is not with a club by then, I think he has to wait until next season.

I think Colorado is a likely candidate for him, but I have no clue on where he is considering. At least I say I have no clue, unlike that dingleberry eklund who's sources I think are nyquil and vodka along with whatever pops into his head when he is sleeping

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haha, ya, i do however trust tsn, and their saying he told his agent to start talking to teams which like i said he wouldnt do unless he was ready, also, any player can sign until the playoffs start, but if their signed after feb 26 they cant participate in the playoffs, which is obviously not want forsberg wants, so technically his signing deadline is feb 26

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Tsn, si, and espn are also now saying that Forsberg did not sign a contract with Modo, saying he's intent to playing in the NHL. All signs point to him being signed to a team soon. I hope he comes back in good form and stays healthy through the playoffs. The guy is made (well, except maybe for his ankle and spleen) for the playoffs.

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i saw pictures of him this past week with modo, hes using the fury sticks, but not gloves, hes been using the stick for since the icebreakers (although as well as sl's and vapor xxxx) but i just dont see him giving up his gloves that hes been using for so long now

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The interview was on Canal+, the canal thats broadcast NHL games in Sweden, Finland and Denmark, yesterday. He dont feel 100% ready fore the spengler cup. The swedish deadline is allmost up maby thats why he is not going to modo? I hope he is comming back to the NHL as i think he still is one of the best forwards in the game.

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so the gloves would be exactly the same as his current eastons but with fury on them? or same concept with fury specs?

the SEL deadline is today at 6pm EST, (midnight there), hes obviously not signing wiht modo for one of two reasons, hes currently not happy wiht his foot and doesnt want to commit to modo unprepared, thus, hes still not doing well with his ankle/foot and may not sign with an nhl team either, or, his ankle may be doing great and hes gonna sign with an nhl team

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