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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Here we go again.....

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Well all I can say is I'd go see Craig Camasta PDM for an opinion

He knows his stuff, if he gives you a diagnostic, it should be right...



Craig A. Camasta, DPM

5673 Peachtree Dunwoody Road

Suite 470

Atlanta, GA 30342




Craig Camasta, DPM

1001 Thornton RD # 108

Lithia Springs , Georgia 30122

Phone: (770) 944-1860

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thanks, I emailed that to myself.

I'm doing my best to be patient. I know now that problems like this with your feet can take a long time to heal. It feels pretty good today actually which would make sense since I didn't work out last night. I know my pain is tissue related, ligaments, tendons and/or muscles so I gotta believe that it will get better in time. And it has gotten better but only to a point and maybe it will just take a really long time.

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Jesus, Luckystrike.....I just read your posts - that sucks. It really sounds to me like the surgery was botched. I'm still having some pain and stiffness in my right foot, but I'm only 5 months post-op on it. My left foot has some tendon pain in the arch but it feels better when I stretch and ice it. I should be happy those are my only complaints so far!

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  Fletch said:
Jesus, Luckystrike.....I just read your posts - that sucks. It really sounds to me like the surgery was botched. I'm still having some pain and stiffness in my right foot, but I'm only 5 months post-op on it. My left foot has some tendon pain in the arch but it feels better when I stretch and ice it. I should be happy those are my only complaints so far!
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yeah i heard that the tendons take for ever to get adjusted....

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Yup...my doc said that he could give me a cortisone injection in each foot after 1 year if I still have pain. I'm thinking of taking him up on that on my left foot, since it will be a year on August 25th since my first surgery.

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  djinferno said:
  Fletch said:
Jesus, Luckystrike.....I just read your posts - that sucks. It really sounds to me like the surgery was botched. I'm still having some pain and stiffness in my right foot, but I'm only 5 months post-op on it. My left foot has some tendon pain in the arch but it feels better when I stretch and ice it. I should be happy those are my only complaints so far!
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yeah i heard that the tendons take for ever to get adjusted....

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Yeah, I really think this is 90% of my problem. I don't get the shooting pain on the fused area like I did for so long. I could put my finger right on the spot where that pain was and I don't have that now. fun stuff eh? oh well, at least it doesn't hurt when I play anymore, its just a matter of getting my strength back in the foot and leg. at least my left calf isn't 1/2 the size of my right one anymore ;)

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Well, I would definitely wait until you are all healed because I didn't and it was a mistake. I bought a pair of 1500C's right before my surgery and held them until I could skate again the next year and ended up selling them because I couldn't skate in them very well. But I wasn't healed yet and they would be just fine if I still had them. I then bought a pair of Graf 709's last summer and I really like them but I need to get the blades profiled. But for now, i'm wearing my old Z Airs because they are broken in and feel comfortable. My foot and leg are just not strong enough to be trying to break in new skates.

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They didn't give you a physical therapy prescription??

And now, for something completely different - surgery to repair a SLAP tear/Bankart Lesion of the shoulder, performed on Tuesday, August 6th. Estimated recovery - 6 months. :angry:




3rd major surgery in less than a year....10th overall in my life. Hopefully this is the last for a LONG time. Anyone who has had these operations done in the past, thoughts, suggestions are welcome.

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you're falling apart fletch!

hope you can skate next time you set something up over at lakewood :]

get better soon...

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We're going to look into something at the end of this month at Lakewood.....if not end of this month, then definitely September. I'll just be watching though, or taking pics if I can use my arm at that point.

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Get well soon, nobody deserves so much pain and physio work. Hopefully you don't throw left; almost everybody I know of who went under the knife for labrum (sp?) surgery lost strength and control there.

There are all these light weight "L" (90-degree at the elbow) exercises for the rotator cuff and shoulder that you can find somewhere to look forward to in a few months. Hope that physio can start sooner rather than later, and that there are no setbacks.

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  ktang said:
Get well soon, nobody deserves so much pain and physio work. Hopefully you don't throw left; almost everybody I know of who went under the knife for labrum (sp?) surgery lost strength and control there.

There are all these light weight "L" (90-degree at the elbow) exercises for the rotator cuff and shoulder that you can find somewhere to look forward to in a few months. Hope that physio can start sooner rather than later, and that there are no setbacks.

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I write and throw left as luck would have it. And I start PT next week...

  LegoDoom said:
So Fletch, do you just rent out a room at your doctors house to save time or what?
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LOL....I just get gift cards to various doctors for Christmas, birthdays, etc. ;)

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  Balmer15 said:
  Fletch said:
Personal engraving would be a nice touch...
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Maybe a diamond for every surgery?

I'm definately glad all I had was a few years of ingrown toenails...

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LOL....i've had more ingrown toenails fixed than I can remember. Funnily enough, the Dr. who did them a long time ago was the same Dr. who operated on both of my feet. :)

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  Fletch said:
  Balmer15 said:
  Fletch said:
Personal engraving would be a nice touch...
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Maybe a diamond for every surgery?

I'm definately glad all I had was a few years of ingrown toenails...

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LOL....i've had more ingrown toenails fixed than I can remember. Funnily enough, the Dr. who did them a long time ago was the same Dr. who operated on both of my feet. :)

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Last time I had one removed, a male nurse took my boxers off...AFTER being told by everyone in the OR not to, I feel violated and used! haha, but seriously, I'd rather have ingrown toenails than the surgery...anyday.

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"but the doctors tell us he will be able to play pain-free when he returns to the lineup this season."
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yeah right, he must have the same doctor I had :blink:

sorry to hear about your shoulder Fletch, hope all goes well.

My foot is getting better. I went to see the doc and xrays show my fuse is closing up, still needs more time though. He also saw that the screws holding the plate on my fuse are working loose but doesn't want to take it out until the thing is healed. This happened to the screws on my first fuse. Me thinks my foot don't like having metal in it :lol:

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