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Blu-Ray vs. HD DVD

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Right now it's Blu-Ray but I have the feeling this is just going to be like the laserdisc. It's better than the current go-to (dvd) but not able to get people to make the change entirely.

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It's the same as the laser discs. Bly Ray is new technology that will like most trends fall by the way side. IMO.

First off any of the Visual benifits of anything must have been formatted in that technology through every step of the process. I.e. HD must start with and HD camera=>mastered in HD=>reproduced or broadcast in HD=>player in HD=>Monitor in HD. Then you truly get an HD image.

Point being that Blu Ray is an upgraded technology but not one that will catch on, nor that is worth the hype. HD however is quickly becoming the format that everything is produced in, and therefore will be of value in most instances.

I have watched SD DVD's in a SD deck on an HD TV, then compared it to an HD disc. As long as the DVD has been kept in the HD format all they way through production it is superior. But the SD DVD on the HD tv still looked great. If you are in the market for a DVD I would make sure to get and HD deck. However I would not go out of my way to get one just for fun.

The HD IMO will continue to grow ond be the wave of the future that will not fall by the way side, however Blu Ray will.

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I think Blu Ray could survive as a media or gaming format.

This isn't going to be a big change like VHS to DVD, it's not going to happen all of a sudden and be a complete take over. Not too many people are going to get rid of their dvds to upgrade to HD. How many movies are recorded in HD?

Not one format is going to completely take over for a very long time, DVDs will be around for a while.

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Yeh, blu-ray is winning majorly at this point but MS is going to build in an HD-DVD player with xbox 360's starting in late 08. I've seen hd-dvd's compared with sd-dvd's on the same HDTV, it looks 95% the same. It's like upgrading from a 3.0 ghz cpu to a 3.3 ghz cpu, why would anyone spend $500 for that?

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I agree that most people will not switch out their existing collections, but I noticed that Redbox rented some Blu-Ray discs. By default, I think readily available rentals will spur people to upgrade their players as the prices drop, assuming BR (or HD-DVD) players are backwards compatible.

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The prices will definitely have to drop, but it always does. HD is becoming more and more readily available, but most people will be happy with dvds. It's not worth it for me to spend twice as much for a better quality picture of wedding crashers. Now when you start talking about planet earth and blue planet on the other hand...

I'm in the air about what format will become dominate or if they will become dominate as far as movies is concerned... But I think blue-ray is going to be a big in video games. Media is a possibility but flash is sooo much more convienent and cheap. In fact that might be the next upgrade in video games, flash.

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I thought the same way as you until about ten days ago, when I realized I'll be able to rent a Blu-Ray disc at the same price as a regular DVD.

Presuming a Blu-Ray (or HD-DVD) player will be able to play existing DVD's, my existing collection can remain intact; indeed, I could still add regular DVD's to my collection. But, after buying 300-400 DVD's at King Soopers whenver they cleared out the rentals, I began to realize that at least I shouldn't have bought at least 150 of them, so I'm leaning more toward renting anyway. I pass by a Redbox every day, where it only costs $1 to rent; I can even reserve the DVD online. If they are going to begin to stock the hi-def discs, I'll buy one of those players once it's dropped below $200.

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Maybe I'm the only one who stocked up when Amazon went nuts and had all their Blu-Ray DVDs for at least 50% off. Lost season 3 for about $40 was too good to pass up.

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All the Blu-Ray Players and HD DVD players I looked at before choosing the PS3 all played regular DVD's so I don't think that is a big concern when choosing a player. I have heard great reviews on the low end sony player which if I remember correctly is around 200.

Nevermind the $200 I wasn't thinking. Its $400.

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apple TV with HD movies, or at least that is what i hope will be on top. i have been swaying back and forth about getting a PS3 (for the blu-ray) but since i already have a apple TV, i am waiting to check out the quality of their HD movies/rentals to make a decision on the ps3

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personally, i love it, the old interface is tough to get use to, but the new one is supose to fix all that and be much easier to use. the rentals idea should really help sales with this, i have only bought a couple movies off it and they are of good quality. i use it more to store my own stuff on it. and if you have a good wireless connection you have an unlimited storage size. but like i said before, the quality of their HD movies (and quantity) will really be a selling point.

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Blu Ray has recently signed over a major motion picture producer that was going to go with HD DVD (my father is a audiophile and all up on all of it....so this is all second hand....but he is definately a good source of hi-fi equipment) and it looks like Blu Ray will be the sole format in a couple of years. I don't forsee Blu Ray failing like the laser disc as our society has become enveloped in the hi fi revolution over the past decade, and are buying up $4000 televisions left and right. Anything to showcase their newfound tv/hobby...people are snatching up left and right.

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Its always Sony vs. somebody. Sony had Betamax and they were up against VHS. Now its Sony Bluray vs. HD DVD. I hope Sony loses again because unless you buy thier high-end stuff, they are just living off thier name, cause everything else they sell is garbage!

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FYI, target didnt go blu-ray exclusive, they signed a deal with sony to have a display for i think it was 90-120 days, then at the end of this term, target will re-evaluate how sales were on the blu-ray systems/discs then go from there, but in no way are they exclusively blu-ray....yet

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Of the two I am in the Blu-Ray camp, mostly due to the larger disc size.

However, I am agreeing with a number of articles I have been coming across stating that the choice is going to become physical format vs digital downloads. That day scares me because they are going to try to make us rent every damn thing.

While it was a failure do you all remember Divx? Something similar may be coming for round 2.

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  Gwyren said:

While it was a failure do you all remember Divx? Something similkar may be coming for round 2.

Read more  

You're talking about Apple TV right? And I don't think DivX was the first of it's kind either, I believe it was Flexplay. Either way, it will fail, because just renting a movie is so much simpler.

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