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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Blu-Ray vs. HD DVD

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And that's why I never went for one or the other. Not to mention HD doesn't look good on my 19" TV :D

Has Sony ever won a format war before? First sign of the Apocalypse?

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And that's why I never went for one or the other. Not to mention HD doesn't look good on my 19" TV :D

Has Sony ever won a format war before? First sign of the Apocalypse?

Playstation vs Sega Saturn

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I dunno, I think by the time the PS was big the Saturn was already gone. Sad though, the Mega Drive was an awesome console.

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Does anyone remember the Indreama concept?

It seems that every open source project fails.

A total shame really,

The Indreama failed before it even launched.

HD DVD failed recently and

the 3DO game system flopped miserably.

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Not to mention the Sega units were crap compared to the Playstation. I wouldn't call it a format war though. PS 1 and 2 were great systems in their time.

Betamax was relegated to minimal use in TV stations, UMDs, Memory Stick, Hi8, MiniDisc (despite Euro/Asian popularity), etc etc.

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