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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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So, after 2 years of use, my Bauer 4000 finally bit the dust- the hairline crack at the screw behind the ear split all the way and my helmet is coming apart.

I swung by my LHS today to get a replacement but I found out a few things.

1. The NikeBuaer4500 is more narrow.

2. The 5500 is too narrow.

3. The Intake an 95 are too narrow.

4. The 6K is too wide and round (doesn't touch the sides of my head)

They didn't have any Vectors in large to try, and the price of the 8K and 8500 kept me from looking at those. Funny thing is they have loaner 4500 helmets on campus that fit literally like buckets- way too wide even when adjusted for length. I have no idea if anything has been done to these to make them larger since they're used for outdoor use and to have a hat worn under it.

I'd rather not get another 4000 since I want a helmet for more than 2 years to come.

Am I SOL? I didn't try on the upper helmets but I'd rather try and find a NOS 4000 that will last another 2 years for $40 than spend 3 times as much for 3 times the life.

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newer NBH helmets are slightly narrower. I think the Vector might work well for you. I'm normally a large helmet, but a medium in Vector... but they aren't quite as wide as a RBK.

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As did I, but the fit has been changed. Granted the XL 4500 wasn't open all the way, but it wasn't closed all the way either and still fit like a Fez.


Edit- thanks for the info, TBL. All they had was a small Vector and it was all the idiots working today. I had a nice 20 minute conversation about how they screwed up the profile on my skate and I was getting nothing but a blank stare. "Oh you mean contour! I see how one skate is flat and the other has a 1/2" heel drop now!"

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the intake is too narrow?? wow... the intake is one of the widest helmets i've worn...

the ccm 852 might work for you, maybe you can get a good deal on it.

EDIT: the monkey has 852s for $35 US

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It's already coming out that the Easton helmets run small.

iceman- Is the 4K that far off the 6K fit? I realize it's going to VN from EPP, but is it still the round fit that the other RBK buckets follow? Thanks for the suggestion, but I'd like some sort of explanation. Not sure if my LHS had anything but 6 and 8K though.

ramen- the 852 might be a good helmet, but I was under the impression that Tacks helmets (*52, *92) all ran more narrow. I admit I haven't really looked at them in a little over 2 years though.

I won't be buying a helmet online unless I just get a NOS 4000. I don't trust here say and "should work" when it comes to dome protection.

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tried on the intake fusion and it felt great. found it be to more comfortable than the highend lids like the 8500, 8k, s15.

to me it felt like my nike 004 thats 5 yrs old. good comfort

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tried on the intake fusion and it felt great. found it be to more comfortable than the highend lids like the 8500, 8k, s15.

to me it felt like my nike 004 thats 5 yrs old. good comfort

Um.... thanks?

You realize the Intake fusion is a VN helmet, like what the Bauer 4000 (Nike 004) is?

Thanks for contributing nothing to my plight.

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tried on the intake fusion and it felt great. found it be to more comfortable than the highend lids like the 8500, 8k, s15.

I know we have seen the S9 and some even have it, but has the S15 finally met all the safety specs.?

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fusion to me felt nothing like a 4500. the VN was much softer and not as stiff as the 4500 foam.

sorry i dident read your first message fully. just kinda jumped in..

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*92 is narrower than *52 in CCM, which is still tighter than the older Bauer buckets. Not sure about the 4K/6K fit but RBKs are typically round.

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when I switched from the 4000 to the 4500 i noticed the front of the ear on the side that sticks down was too tight on my head so I just shaved a bit of the foam off and now its real comfy. it takes a couple times to get used to regardless especially after 2 years it's probably molded to your head.

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when I switched from the 4000 to the 4500 i noticed the front of the ear on the side that sticks down was too tight on my head so I just shaved a bit of the foam off and now its real comfy. it takes a couple times to get used to regardless especially after 2 years it's probably molded to your head.

I'm sure my helmet has been molded a bit, but the 4500 never got down to my ears. Not a problem of it just squeezing too much. I don't think shaving foam is going to be the solution I'm looking for. Intake, M95 and 5500 also didn't make it on.

I'll wait for a Vector to come in and order a 4000 online if it doesn't meet my needs. Maybe try on a 52 series CCM if they have anything when I go in for my skates Monday.

Thanks TBL.

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Rustpot, I too came from years of 4000L - I tried on every helmet possible, and the best fit was the vector in large. The second best fit was "the first 4500 I tried on", as I then asked for it again in large black, and the two I tried on were way too narrow - could it be the first 4500 (navy) was actually an XL incorrectly labelled? - The top of my ears hit the foam. I ended up taking the navy 4500 because it being $60 vs $130 for the vector.

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Great to hear, dude. Thanks for the reassuring thoughts.

Where were you paying $130 for the Vector? The helmet alone is $70 most places and eBay has some caged combos for $73 with $20 shipping.

My 4000 cage is still in good shape- a little rusty in a few of the welds but still rocking hard. Unless I find a good deal for a combo unit I'll probably stick with the helmet alone.

I think my LHS wants $100 for the bucket, so I might actually do them a disservice and buy online after I try- it depends on how much I'll actually save and if they make me pay for another skate profiling after they screwed the last one up. Maybe I'll make it to March and get one at Perani's.

i really like the mission intake helmet and the rbk 8k

That's really great. Maybe I'll go buy an Intake now that I know you like it. Oh, wait, it doesn't fit me.

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I see. When you said the 4500 was $60 I assumed you were in the US since that's what my LHS sells it at.

Yes, I realize your name is canuckdude, but that doesn't guarantee you aren't a Canuck who's since gone to the US.

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