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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ideas for a tennis racquet stencil

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Ok I am going to make a few of my own stencils for my tennis racquets. I'll have to draw them onto plastic then cut them out with a utility knife or scissors, so nothing too complicated, If you don't know what I'm talking about, look at a tennis racquet, and usually it will have a big logo in the center of the strings. That is what I'm talking about. Anyone got any cool ideas?

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Forgot to mention, I already made a few. And dollar sign and smiley face are some of them. Also, Superman and Batman are in the process of being made so... Any others?

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Forgot to mention, I already made a few. And dollar sign and smiley face are some of them. Also, Superman and Batman are in the process of being made so... Any others?

Put synergy or something along the lines of hockey, and mess around with some friends who don't know you do this.

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Well now I have Batman, Superman, Smiley Face, Money Sign, and School Logo. Keep the suggestions coming though.

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1. Fave Hockey team logo.

2. The Spider sillouette from the back of Spidey's costume.

3. "tm" like Trademark

4. "r" with a circle like "Registered"

5. @

...I don't know....some of those suck ass....maybe some will work.

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