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What Radius Should I Get For My Skates?

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I have been reading over the topics on skate radius in this forum, and also doing alot of research online. It seems like having my skates profiled could really give me a big edge for my skating.

There seem to be alot of experts on this site, so I was hoping to get some insight into what my best options are.

I will give you some info below about my game, skates, etc... not sure what all is needed so forgive me if I add too much info.

My skates are Synergy 1300c... I get a 5/8 hollow put on my skates and have tried other hollows, but this has been the best hollow for me over the years.

My game is based on tight, quick turns and quick cuts/lateral movement.

I just bought another pair of Synergy 1300c and only skated on them once, and had a 5/8 hollow put on them.

I want to get the new skates profiled... and have a smaller radius put on the blades, so I can cut and turn faster.

Here is what I need to know...

- What radius is currently on a pair of Synergy 1300c skates out of the box? 9 10 11?

- For tighter turns/fast cuts I would need a 9 radius on my skates?

Thanks for any info!

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I do not know the radius on the easton synergy's but, I think they are a 9 not sure (cant really help on that sorry). So your question is asking you want the radius profiled to the same as your old pair of skates? If you want to turn sharper you can always try a deeper hollow not neccessarily a radius . Sorry if i cant help.

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Its almost impossible to determine the profile without a size and even then its probably just an educated guess. The problem lies with factory blades and how they are not profiled exactly to specifications. Moreover during your first sharpening depending on where you got it from, the profile could have been ruined by an overly aggressive cross grind.

For tighter turns yes you would go with a profile with less gliding surface ie 9-10 (I use a cag so I'm not too familiar with this setup) Obviously your ROH is 5/8 since your satisfied with it so now go out and experiment and dont expect to be used to your new profile after 1 skate. Give it some time. Like a good stick, keep trying new ones until your happy.

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First off, I think you got radius and rocker mixed up, because radius can refer to the radius of hollow as well as as the radius of rocker. Anyway, if I'm not mistaken, the razor bladz on your synergy's have an 11 ft rocker. I own a pair of 800c's and I recently swapped out the stock holders for LS2's and the 9 ft rocker really improved my skating. I found the transition seamless but maybe that's because my skating has always been suited towards a 9 ft rocker.

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First off, I think you got radius and rocker mixed up, because radius can refer to the radius of hollow as well as as the radius of rocker. Anyway, if I'm not mistaken, the razor bladz on your synergy's have an 11 ft rocker. I own a pair of 800c's and I recently swapped out the stock holders for LS2's and the 9 ft rocker really improved my skating. I found the transition seamless but maybe that's because my skating has always been suited towards a 9 ft rocker.

No I understand the difference between the two - but thanks for bringing it up though.

Do you have a link to the LS2s? Just did a search and not much came up...

The LS2's are a 9 ft rocker?

If you have a size 9 skate, what size LS2 should I get? 9?


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